Thursday, July 30, 2009

Where can i learn how to make a program to form a link between a circuit and software using VB6 or C++?


can anyone plzzz tell me if there are websites that can let me have source code or help to connect a circuit (that consist of sencors that go on and off as u pass ur hand through it) and it should make time start and stop on the computer screen

this is a school work so plzzz help me out man... thanks :)

Where can i learn how to make a program to form a link between a circuit and software using VB6 or C++?
Depends on what you mean by circuit. Interfacing hardware to the PC to measure and/or control somethis can be done several ways.

1.) Parallel Port ( obsolete )

2.) Serial Port RS232 to a uC like a Basic Stamp

3.) USB using a Phidget (yea that's what its called)

4.) Data Aquistion DAQ hardware PCI card but may also be connected to any of above

Although a parallel port can be used for direct controll of a circuit it is not included on newer PC's and there are better alternatives. I just mention it here as if you want to do a non microcotroller hardware project (PC only) than parallel port is the way to go but you need to have on installed on your PC

THe Parallax BASIC Stamp is probably the most well supported beginner uC available. There is an app not on how to exchange data between the STAMP and VB. The Stamp controller is cheap running arround $40 but you have to add hardware and circuity so it makes sense to get a development board /kit which I believe run from $79 to 129

The easiest hardware interface to use and the newest is a Phidget. these are USB enaled devices that allow upto 8 analog, 8 Digital IN and 8 Digital Outputs to be easily connected to a PC and programmed in just about any Visual Studio Language and the Robotics Studio. Cost $100 The down side to a phidget is that it is just an interface, the PC program is running the control software.

The Basic Stamp is a controller and can run a control program independently from the PC. The techniques in the Parallax App note use a VB program to send basic commands to the uC like Start/ Stop and get readings from the Basic Stamp. Meanwhile the stamp is running its program to control whatever hardware is connected to it...

Finally check out National Instruments NI.COM and

both of these companies sell lab data loggers and have acedemic programs. DATAQ even has a FREE DAQ for qualified students
Reply:"Microsoft Visual C++ Professional or Enterprise edition version 5.0 needed..." M$ needs the money, I guess.

If it were me, it would be Linux/java using Linux kernel 2.6. Lots more libraries, but since what you do is a school project. I find unless you are willing to purchase a book the C++ side is called CE and it's mainly Microsoft. Most searches I did only get a hardware manufacturer telling what tools you CAN use.

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