Friday, July 31, 2009

Do i need to have a clear understanding of C++ before learning Java. What software do i need to run Java progs

I have taught classes in both C++ and Java, and you can certainly learn one without knowing the other. If you want to learn Java, go straight into it, don't worry about learning C++ first. C++ experience can help because you would already understand the concepts of objects, classes, methods, inheritance and polymorphism. But you can just as easily learn these concepts from scratch with Java. Already knowing C++ can actually put you at a disadvantage in some cases because you might then have programming habits that might be difficult to adapt into Java. The biggest advantage of knowing C++ first is that you'd be familiar with the programming syntax. If there's no reason to know C++, go straight into Java and don't look back. Download and install Java 2 Software Developers Kit (SDK) for free from Good luck.

Do i need to have a clear understanding of C++ before learning Java. What software do i need to run Java progs
No, you do not need to have a clear understanding of C++ before learning Java. In fact, many believe Java to be a better programming language for people learning how to develop software for the first time. C++ and Java allow one to develop software using Object Oriented methods. Both are very capable object oriented programming languages.

To run Java programs, you need a copy of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running on your machine, these usually come with the software you're trying to run.

If you meant to ask: "what tools do I need to start developing software in Java"; the answer is, you'll need a JVM (referred to above), Java Development Kit (JDK - available from and a text editor (like Textpad). You can easily get all of the above in a neat little package called an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). NetBeans ( or Eclipse ( are good (free) examples.
Reply:as long as you understand the concepts of Object Oriented Programming (ie classes etc) you should be okay. The language is not that hard to learn but an understanding of C++ would help because cpp and java are similar in ways.
Reply:No, you don't.

Though Java has C++ -alike syntax, it has quite another internal logic. It appears to be closer to scripting language than to a low-level programming language as C is.

With Java, you need to know Java API and it will be enough.
Reply:For learning, check out the excellent free eBook, "Thinking in Java". No previous C++ experience required.

For the actual software, Sun's site.

Then you'll want to explore IDE's (Integrated Development Environments) to see which one you like best. Eclipse is probably the most popular. Others are NetBeans or my favorite, Borland JBuilder. All but the last one are free.

Other technologies commonly used with Java are ANT (for automated batch processing), JUnit (for unit testing), CVS (for version control), Tomcat and JSP (for server-side Java).
Reply:Although there are similarities, java is a language of it's own, so you don't need to learn any other language first.

As for what you need, you need the java virtual machine installed to run programs. To write them, any good text editor, and a java compiler.
Reply:not really but it wouldnt hurt. I took java without C or C++ and it would have helped if I took C or C++ first!!!
Reply:some java prog is available of , see them

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