Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Where can I find software for a flowchart, like the kind for C programming, preferrable free software.?

I need to provide a flowchart of a business proposed process, the same type of flowchart from programming, but maybe not the same types of shapes. Any ideas???

Where can I find software for a flowchart, like the kind for C programming, preferrable free software.?
Reply:If you are using windows then you are basically not going to find a free software to do it unless you know your way around a PC if you get my point but other than that.. look into linux which is probably not a way you want to go since you have to learn how to use it if you already dont know how.

But to answer your question, the best program would be to use Microsoft Visio.. most universities use it and so does businesses. I love that program!

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