Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How many ways and what 's best way to help me to design a desktop software? VBA and Macro? C#? VB?

I have the follow sources: ms- office : ACCESS desktop database, Excel, Word...; Notepad, Visual Studio; MySQL.

My requirements: data can be transfered from database to Excel, word, notepad. And data in Excel can be transfered to ACCESS or MySQL. It should have a desk icon , good GUI

, database security, software installation CD.

How many ways and what 's best way to help me to design a desktop software? VBA and Macro? C#? VB?
VBA has plenty of functions to do exactly what you listed as requirements.
Reply:VBA is embedded in Access. You'll make a shortcut to whatever .mdb file you embed your VBA in. You can change the icon at will by going into the shortcut properties. Report It

Reply:I think you'd better use visual c++ instead.

Because I think visual c++ is the best tool to develop programs in the ms windows' world.
Reply:I'd do it using C# or VB as a Windows application. There are lots of pieces of sample code online to do all the tasks you describe are necessary for your app. You'll also be able to use a lot of the library routines in the .NET framework which can save you from having to "reinvent the wheel" and write code from scratch to accomplish a particular task.

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