Friday, July 31, 2009

In our software engineering lab make project using c-lan with Ms-access database?

I am a anna university student

In our software engineering lab make project using c-lan with Ms-access database?
I really don't see a question here...

Good Luck with your data!

What software do i need to start c++? i really want to learn it!?

i would recommend you the best software,.....that is the "turbo C++" software...

What software do i need to start c++? i really want to learn it!?
I recommend Dev-C++.

U can download it from
Reply:My recommendation is borland c++ compiler free edition here: + a good book.
Reply:I would suggest Bloodshed's Dev C++ compiler. It has many features that even turbo c++ or visual studio lack.
Reply:turboo c++ is better...first of all u need to know about c. once u know abt C u can easily learn c++..

How can we download songs in iphone, is it just by i tunes or you have a seperate software like an ipod and c?

can we download songs on our own like in ipod.

Can a simple Bcom(pass) guy do the software testing job, without doing any computer language(like C, C++,java)

I havent done any computer language or not any diploma course, but i m doing software testing course, so computer language or course is necessary for testing job?

Can a simple Bcom(pass) guy do the software testing job, without doing any computer language(like C, C++,java)
You can go further into Software Testing field without learning a language like C,C++ etc . But I recommend that you learn at least 1 and also do a general reading on another language,Software Engineering and at least 1/2 databases. That would help you in your Software Testing Job ; especially when you would be interacting with Project Managers,Developers etc. Also If you are on your first job, pay a close attention to the Business needs of your client , their Model etc. Many a times (especially in Functional Testing) , a thorough understanding of client business model and their needs is a must .
Reply:You cannot go for white box testing; black box testing can be done without s/w knowledge.
Reply:You can do blackbox testing i.e. simple functionality testing

However to really succeed you would need to carry out whitebox testing so that you can provide valuable feedback
Reply:why don’t u look @ the options of becoming CA or financial adviser or any thing related to ur basic education qualification...I believe you can do well if u have sound knowledge of finance rather than starting any thing new which you have no idea of....

Think in all possible ways...

Good Luck
Reply:it is difficult

phone cards

What is the software to create an image from a hard partition like c and mount the image at startup to c drive

I know so many software that create image file from hard partitions but I dont know how to mount them at startup ...

What is the software to create an image from a hard partition like c and mount the image at startup to c drive
Thre are tools for managing partitions (fdisk, cfdisk, parted, for example) and tools to handle the booting/mounting (lilo, grub, etc.).

It all depends on what you're trying to do and what O/S you're using.
Reply:Try DaemonTools if you want to mount a virtual cd/dvd drive.

Or Partition Magic.
Reply:Norton Ghost, or a similar program should have the setup files to lead you through this,(or Acronis)

How do you fix RUNDLL? Error loading C:\program files\acceleration software\anti-virus\sssmon.dll can't be fou

Your anti-virus software has a corrupted file. You will need to reinstall it.

What is different between c,c++, java and also which one is the latest program software ??

C or C++ languages are how to working in PC?

What is different between c,c++, java and also which one is the latest program software ??
C is the "Procedural Language" whereas C++ and java are "Object oriented language".

You have to refer books on these to understand the concept and their environment.

You can check the following link for more details...

It depends on the kind of application you are developing to choose a suitable language.

java is more suitable for distributed applications because it

is a "platform independent language" whereas c and c++ are platform dependent languages.

software to use:

1. C and C++ - TurboC compiler

2. Java - JCreator

What is P C logo it is related to computer, is this a software or something else.?

my daughter is studyung in 2nd class her teacher has told heer something about p c logo now she is asking me what is p c logo. i asked many person but nobody reply satisfactorily. plz tel what is it

What is P C logo it is related to computer, is this a software or something else.?
Windows Vista Capable PC logo is the new Microsoft operating system logo that is designed to indicate that the PC comes pre-installed with Windows XP and is also capable of running Windows Vista.

When it becomes available. Any PC that has a Windows Vista Capable logo sticker would support an upgrade to Windows Vista and would provide the core features of Windows Vista.
Reply:Schools have now a days are introducing computer course as part of their syllabus. It is normally be introduced from 2nd std in schools with CBSC syllabus.

"LOGO" is a computer program which is very primitive in nature. In my child's computer syllabus for 3rd std I have seen this from course book published by NIIT.
Reply:a PC logo is the trade mark that each computer company uses on this systems, a logo is simply a trade make that companies use to identy their product

ie: HP's logo is "HP Invent"

non computer logo Nike shoe companies logo is "Just Dot It" ect


I want to play my playstation game C.D. on my computer. which software should i intall to do so?

i dont think you can

I want to play my playstation game C.D. on my computer. which software should i intall to do so?
I have never heard of such software.

if it is available, i would buy it!
Reply:Try PCSX 2 (PS 2) or Bleam (PS 1)

Can i become a software engineer if i do B tech in E & C??

i'm currently in 1st year Btech Electronics n communication there any chance for me to become a software engineer?

Can i become a software engineer if i do B tech in E %26amp; C??
Of course my dear.....

Once a company comes for placement you can opt the software field also........

I am a Software employee. I want to do correspondance in M.C.A from ICFAI. How will it help me? Is it good?

I heard ICFAI to be good from some people and also negatively from some.But I want to do my P.G in the next month. So please suggest me regarding M.C.A in ICFAI.

I am a Software employee. I want to do correspondance in M.C.A from ICFAI. How will it help me? Is it good?
No problem, ICFAI is also Recognised Institution by manipal, so it is National wide university. I think it is also a good instution for learning. Okay try your best.
Reply:I dont think it will do you any good as ur already in software field.Try to learn updated softwares which will help u in ur current career.

As for ICFAI it is good.

All the best

My kids are having a p.c without Internet there any anti-virus software?

which does not require internet and updates to block any incidental virus. though my question might look silly as i know that an antivirus prog has to update data base,i felt i should ask this to know if any software is available according to my expectation.

My kids are having a p.c without Internet there any anti-virus software?
If you don't ever use your computer to access the internet, and you do not load files that other people may give you on CD's, floppys, flash, etc., then you don't need anti-virus software. If you feel you must run an anti-virus program occasionally anyway, use an internet connected computer to download and update AVG Free Edition, then copy it to a CD and load it onto your computer.
Reply:A virus is a malicious program which may be introduced into your computer's operating system from various sources. Such as CD's, Floppies, USB Flash drives, games, software programs, cameras, anything that might be connected to your PC. etc. You don't need to be connected to the net to get a virus!

USB Flash drive...

Just plug it in your computer usb slot... put what you want on it... You can get them at most stores that have pc's cameras etc.

Cost... $8 to about $59 - 512mb, 1g, 2g, 4g, 8g.

Keep this on a USB drive... for when you can't get online or to help a friend -or- your kids who might be infected...

"Dr.Web CureIt" - Is a standalone anti-virus and anti-spyware scanner that scans your PC for viruses, trojans, adware, spyware, hack tools, rootkits, and other malware. The program does not require an installation and can be run from a USB drive. This is an on-demand scanner only, it can detect and remove virus infections but does not provide any real-time protection. Do a search for this.
Reply:It sounds like you know the answer to your own question...."as i know that an antivirus prog has to update data base" is my input on it though.

Although maybe not 100% factual, I feel that 90% of virus's (maybe even more) are downloaded from the internet. Therefore if your kids computers are not connected your chance of "catching a virus" are going to be extremely low.

Here is what I would do: find a cheap, well known antivirus program, I recomend Nod32, and install it from the beginning. Dont worry about updates (as you are not connected) but DO turn on your windows firewall.

Types of security risks without internet: the most damaging is probably a "road apple". This is where a person will find a thumb drive/CD/floppy on the street or lying around somewhere and will insert it to there may see a .jpg that you are interested in looking at, however when you click on this it is actually a renamed .exe which goes through and pulls info off of your computer....this then tries to send it over the internet to the creator, but again, you are not connected.

General caution, as well as the windows firewall should be enough to keep your computer safe!

hope that helps.
Reply:AVG Free offers downloadable updates that you can download on one computer, put on a CD or USB flash drive, and transfer to the non-Internet-connected PC. You can then tell AVG to update from the directory/folder where you have stored the updates.

Your need for antivirus software on the non-Internet-connected PC is so negligible that just downloading and installing the most recent edition of your preferred free antivirus software every six months should protect that computer adequately. (Even so, there are no 100% guarantees.)
Reply:If there is no internet connection, the pc should be fine.

Only way it can get viruses is if they put something like a memory stick or a cd in the pc that is infected.

All anti viruses need updating, so you are best to not have any unless you can connect it to the internet to update it regulary.
Reply:if your kids have a stand alone pc with no internet connection they don't need any anti-virus soft ware installed as long as they don't put disks into it from their friends which may be infected.

as for your question virtually every anti-virus program looks for viruses with the use of a list, the updates are for when another virus appears on the scene and there are usually between 500 and a 1000 new viruses every month, all modern anti-virus programs also use another form of detection called heuristics which looks for virus like activity but by the time they detect a virus by this means it's usually too late but at least they let you know you have one
Reply:Hi, Yes, you always need and antivirus, because kids alwys got cd, flesh drives and so on from school, friends or anywhere else

Norton antiviurs has an option for download the virus definitions and install them manually if you don't have internet access

i guess mcafee also had those features

Reply:If you are not connected to the Internet there is no need for antivirus software. You can put any anti-virus software you want on there, then you would have to download updates from another computer to install on theirs.
Reply:you don't need anti virus software if the computer doesn't go on the internet or get e-mail. There is no way for your computer to get a virus unless it communicates with other computers (and just being in the same room doesn't count - they aren't airborne!)
Reply:If there is no Internet connection, the pc should be fine.

Only way it can get viruses is if they put something like a memory stick or a cd in the pc that is infected.
Reply:If your computer isn't connected to the internet, then you shouldn't worry about viruses since viruses get to your computer through the internet.
Reply:If the computer wont be connected to the internet, there is no need for a virus protection.
Reply:You don't need anti-virus software unless you are connected tot the internet buddy...
Reply:Why would you need anti-virus software on a computer not hooked to the Internet?
Reply:Why would you need a virus protection if you dont have internet?

flash cards

Do you know anywhere that I could get a computer software that can take the vocals off a C.D.?

And/or what the software is called? I need a cd that takes the vocals off a music cd. If you only know the name of the software, that's fine. THX!!!!!

Do you know anywhere that I could get a computer software that can take the vocals off a C.D.?
Try AnalogX Vocal Remover, it works on the same principles that the hardware removers do - that in most instances vocals are equally mixed in both channels, and can identified and therefore removed by simply changing the phase on one channel by 180 degrees. While this won't remove vocals in all instances, it does work in many cases, and can sometimes be used to remove bass or breakbeat sections as well, which I find to be GREAT for sampling! Depending on the effects used on the vocals, sometimes the reverb or ambience of the vocals is left. In order to use the DirectX Vocal Remover, your application must support DirectX Audio Plugins, and must also support either realtime or non-realtime processing (such as Paris, Cakewalk, WaveLab, CoolEdit, etc). Vocal Remover REQUIRES a stereo sound streams, and supports either 16bit or 32bit data types.

In order to use the WinAmp Vocal Remover, you must already have WinAmp installed in your system; it REQUIRES a stereo sound stream, and supports only 16bit data types.
Reply:I have a free program called KISS Wav MP3 Editor, that has a feature that reduces or removes (depending on how the song was originally recorded) the vocals. The result is pretty cool, but the song ends up being "mono" (not stereo) and alot of the music or percussion also gets reduced.

The program is very easy to use. After you read the "help me" section, you'll being experimenting quickly.

I *think* I downloaded it from

Go to the website and type in audio editing software, and then you'll find quite an extensive list of free or free-to-try software in that category.

I can't run c or c++,although i have the required software.?

Whenever i click on the icon, black screen appears saying - error 0000, invalid statement, press any key.Then i am returned to desktop. Please help !!

I can't run c or c++,although i have the required software.?
could be a syntax error in your code
Reply:Are you sure you properly installed C/C++? All the libraries and such installed correctly?

flower girl

How ans I give Windowes environment to my software which is written in C language?Only DOS look i get?

For giving windows look.

How ans I give Windowes environment to my software which is written in C language?Only DOS look i get?
The C language does not support a GUI directly, you have to use a library. There are various libraries out there such as MFC, Trolltech, GTK+.
Reply:go to Microsoft windows.www.microsof/

on top of page search language. than choose what you want and click install....good luck

In c programing how emulator floating point software work for floating point number?

A floating point emulator is a function that computes the floating point result by using integer multiplies, divides and additions to compute the floating point result.

If you download a copy of a software program on your p.c?

will microsoft no longer send you updates

If you download a copy of a software program on your p.c?
a copy will not be recognized as genuine microsoft product and you won't be able to get updates automatically or manually,or any other microsoft peripherials such as media player or codecs(audio %26amp; video)
Reply:Uhhhh no, downloading pirated software will not result in you not getting microsoft updates (unless microsoft now spies on your computer in the new Vista OS...)
Reply:Depends what software you download! Are we talking Windows here? Otherwise, legal downloads of other software have no bearing on your Windows updates.
Reply:I am not sure what you mean.

As long as you have a authentic copy of Windows XP or Vista, Microsoft will continue to supply updates and fixes for any authentic Microsoft programs you have on your PC.

Downloading any program from the Internet should not make any difference to your Windows Updates. validates your software to make sure it's authentic microsoft certificate not a bootleg copy. Also you can update it manually if you desire use the end user updates meaning you have to do the work rather then the auto update. which microsoft supply with the program.

How did i want to get this software ?E174089 (UL) CM 75*C 28AWG/2C+28AWG/2C SHIELDED USB V2.0 LONGWELL-P?

That sounds like a USB cable to me. If so, you should be able to get it at your local computer store or online at someplace like But that's not software.

curse of the golden flower

How to install Yahoo Messenger software unto "D" drive, D/programs instead of C. My C partition full.

My C partition is full . Yahoo's desktop install program won't allow me to change C:/programs to D/ Programs. .

How to install Yahoo Messenger software unto "D" drive, D/programs instead of C. My C partition full.
D is for the Recovery Partition of your Hard Drive, and it cannot be modified or even LOOKED at, it's impossible. Try to uninstall some of your programs on your C drive.
Reply:you simply when asked where to install click on browse and designate the D/Programs as the directory
Reply:you have to ununstall the program and then reinstall the program and then when it ask you where to install change from C drive to D drive
Reply:temporarliy take something off of c. Download messenger to c, then switch messenger over to d, and put the thing you took off of c, over to c. Does that make sense?

Which of the following in not a software a software? a- adobe , b-browser, c-compiler, d-device driver?

Kunal is right.Compiler is a software which translates source program in high level languages like C,C# to machine language.Browser is the software we use to browse internet like IE,Mozilla etc.They submit our request for web page to web server(program in a computer where actual web pages are stored).Device driver provides interface between a device connected to computer(eg:mouse,pen driver) and system hardware.

Which of the following in not a software a software? a- adobe , b-browser, c-compiler, d-device driver?
adobe is not software

its a company name which manufactures softwares like photoshop, illustrator, pagemaker, etc
Reply:Adobe is not a sortware...its a company which acts as an engine to all applns...
Reply:adobe...............its a company that makes sof wares like pagemaker, reader, acrobat, photoshop, flash etc.

Where can i find a software to make flowchart of c++. i need full version for free?

send me some link.or reg key of code visual to flowchart version four or5

Where can i find a software to make flowchart of c++. i need full version for free?
Reply:Trading keys is expressly against the community guidelines. Don't ask for one again. Report It

Reply:C++ is an Object Oriented (OO) language. Flowcharting is more for procedural languages. While OO languages do have procedual methods (the OO name for a function or subroutine), these methods should be kept small and thus don't need to be flowcharted. The most common graphical technique used for designing %26amp; analyzing an OO program is UML.

Note that the exact flow that an OO program follows (what a flowchart tries to describe) is often so complex that it would be easier to predict the weather. That is often one of the biggest powers and challenges of OO programming.

The main OO program I work on has thousands of objects each with many methods. If you add the foundation classes it is built on I would not be surprised if it has over a million entries in the link map. I doubt we would ever have been able to reach this level of complexity with a procedural language.

What exactly do u need(software like notepad?) when doing "c" programming?? can u do it on windows xp?

Yes you can do C programming on Windows XP.

The only tools you need is a C compiler (you cand find a good/opensource one here

And a editor (i.e notepad)

For more advanced programming or huge project development, you'll probably need source control programs (cvs/svn), a more advanced editor or a IDE, and a make program..

Also you could use Visual Studio C++ for overall usage (minus source control)

What exactly do u need(software like notepad?) when doing "c" programming?? can u do it on windows xp?
You can also download a C compiler in Cygwin (, but you'll be limited to command line programs.

If you want to learn GUI programming, try Java or buy a student version of Microsoft Visual C++ or C#

I like vim as an editor, but that is not for newbies. You can try notepad or emacs.
Reply:just notepad
Reply:you can in-put more then tex in a notpad

you can import /music/movie

in to 1 notepad or word document if you know how
Reply:You can normally use any text editor. But, you do need the compiler programs to do anything with it. If you have compiler programs for XP, then normally you can do it there.

I like Kate, which comes with all main linux distros, because it gives you color feedback on your programming logic.


How can I get my photos in C drive after formating the OS??Any free software is available on net?

I was able to save my data on D drive but lost important photos in C drive is there anyway i can get my photos back.

had to reinstall and format OS because of virus infection.Please any help and advise is welcome

How can I get my photos in C drive after formating the OS??Any free software is available on net?
After formatting I'd be very surprised if you will ever get your photos back.

As per the advice... learn to NEVER keep anything important where your OS is, even if windows is set up to keep "my pictures" "my documents" together with the OS, just don't use them and save your stuff on the D drive.
Reply:I'm sorry to say, but they are gone.

I know there are ways to retrieve files that have been deleted and emptied from recycle bin, or files that had been deleted in DOS, but once you format, it's gone.

There are a lot of free anti-virus software you can find online for free, I think one called Avast is free, and fairly decent, you should try downloading it to prevent a situation like this in the future.
Reply:After formatting? Hmmmmm, you can try Recuva.
Reply:There are utilites available to recover files from formatted drive. Active@ Uneraser, stellar, getdataback..... But i don't know a free one. U can try on google.
Reply:Have you hear about the Easeus Dara Recovery, It’s a famous Data Recovery tool. I’m sure you can recover your lost data. Please believe me! You can get more information on the website

Luck with you!

I need (3D modeler)software witch generates OpenGL code(.c file) from some 3d model. Any ideas?

Maxon Cinema 4D is pretty much the best (affordable) 3D modeller around. You can output as open GL code.

:o) j2g

P.S. you may be able to download a naughty version. hint (torrent site)

I need (3D modeler)software witch generates OpenGL code(.c file) from some 3d model. Any ideas?

I would personally recommend using MilkShape for your modelling, as it imports/exports a wide variety of formats and is pretty cheap and easy to use, plus you should be able to knock together your own plugin to save in another format if you wish.

A good site with OpenGL code and tutorials, including loading objects, is

Tutorial 31 in particular on that site covers loading and displaying objects in MilkShape format.

I need (3D modeler)software witch generates OpenGL code(.c file) from some 3d model. Any ideas?
Nothing will do that for you, nothing can generate the code to render a model. By itself, it's useless anyway. I'm sure there's lots of tutorials showing how to render models with OpenGL, why not consult those?
Reply:*this maybe what you want

Can somebody tell me free downloading software site " windows version for C/C++"?

Can somebody tell me free downloading software site " windows version for C/C++"?
Reply:Why only Borland?

I will surely suggest you the 'Bloodshed's Dev C/C++ compiler'

song words

I forgot the password of my email a/c that is remembered by my computer. any software to see the asterisks?

years ago, i used a software which allowd me to highlight the asterisk in the password box, and then click to see the password. But i forgot the name of the software! Now i have a new computer but i forgot the password stored in my old computer! Pls help.

I forgot the password of my email a/c that is remembered by my computer. any software to see the asterisks?
AsterWin IE v1.03

Copyright © 2002 - 2004 Nir Sofer

Web Site:


When you login into a web site with user name and password, you sometimes have the option to store the password in your computer. If you choose to save the password, in the next time that we'll visit this site, the password field will be automatically filled with your password, but you won't be able to view it, because the password-box shows the password as sequence of asterisks (****).

This utility reveals the passwords stored behind the asterisks in the web pages of Internet Explorer 5.0 and above. You can use it for recovering a lost web site password, if it's stored on your computer.
Reply:There are programs for doing that (I've run across them in the past).

The following link will take you to the SnapFiles page with free password recovery programs - you may even find the same one as you had!

Just go to:

Hope that helps - good luck!
Reply:nice try stalker ... did you steal someone's computer?
Reply:goto and there are programs that are freeware that will allow you to see what information is under the astericks
Reply:that would defeat the whole purpose of blanking out the password

What is the best software to keep your p.c safe!!?

ZONEALARM Internet Security Suite


- ZoneAlarm's famous Firewall software

- Anti Virus

- Anti Spyware

- Instant Messenger protection

- Parental controls

- Privacy tools, including a Cache cleaner

... and more.

What is the best software to keep your p.c safe!!?
If you don't want to mess around with multiple applications, try Windows Live One Care (has a long free trial) and you have a firewall, anti-virus, anti spy-ware and scheduled defragging! It also tunes up your system.

I am using it and have had a TOTALLY clean computer since install. Good luck!
Reply:bit defender antivirus plus v10---has firewall, anti virus, anti spyware, anti rootkit, spam blocker.

Help me , you software experts! My dear P.C. is attacked by ADWARE.FUN .How can I help it get rid of IT?

To remove spyware/adware/Trojans/Worms I recommend XoftSpy Se.

XoftSpy Se Features:

Remove Spyware, Adware

Stop Pop-ups

Kill Trojans, Worms, Viruses

Clean Registry %26amp; Program Errors

Remove harmful registry keys and files

Speed-Up your computer

Destroy harmful hijackers

Helps prevent identity theft

Clean %26amp; Optimize your PC

It can be found on this page:

Download, install and update.

Run full system scan,it is able to find the problems and remove them.

Finally,Make sure you have 1 or 2 antispyware on your computer and 1 antivirus and also 1 firewall.


Help me , you software experts! My dear P.C. is attacked by ADWARE.FUN .How can I help it get rid of IT?
You may want to use this

It only takes like an hour and 1/2 to scan your whole computer and its free. TRUST ME, I use to have alot of pop-ups when I use to surf the internet and after scanning no pop-ups at all!

Let me know how it goes.
Reply:use ad aware se, avg free, spybot s%26amp;d etc, they are all free
Reply:adaware isnt as dangerous

Heres some Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Firewall

Spyware protection and removal

Ad-Aware SE Personal: (I use this. I say its great and easy to use)

SuperAntiSpyware: (Very helpful on finding other problems)

Spybot: (Very helpful on finding problems

AVG Free Anti-Spyware: /lng/us/tpl/v5 (never tried it)

Windows Defender: (Its ok...)

For Free Virus Protector, use:

AVG Free Anti-Virus: (I use this, its detected lots of trojen. Also doesn't consume memory)

Avast (your choice): (not recommended for computers with less memory)

For Free Firewalls, use:


Also use Windows Firewall if you don't want continous warnings.

(Anyone wanna add to the links you can tell me)
Reply:You may want to avoid free adware is just go with some top Spyware cleaners. You are only looking to frustrate yourself more adding a ton of useless freeware on your computer. Check out this link
Reply:download this free software, it will kill it off. its called spybot.
Reply:Ad-Aware SE is a free downloadable program that I use. It is put out by Lavasoft. Google those two and you'll find it.

Good luck killing the bugger.
Reply:If you do not have firefox get it now and use it instead of internet explorer so you dont get any more spyware http://securitynewsfromthenet.blogspot.c...

To remove the spyware/trojan/virus run steps 1-2-3

1) If you have not already scanned your comp with spybot http://securitynewsfromthenet.blogspot.c... do that now .Update it (Latest updates 04-04-2007) and then run it so it gets rid of all the spyware and trojans in safe mode

1b) Run AVG Anti-Spyware Free



SUPERAntiSpyware Home Edition (free version)


2) Do an online virus scan to check and remove virus and spyware if you still have viruses on your computer. And let us know if the online virus scan still finds any virus or spyware .


3) Get another anti virus program if your present anti virus program is not protecting you any longer


Protection once your computer is spyware free

Reply:most virus are spread through IE. IE is not a safe browser. you should use a more secure browser to protect your PC from virus.

i recommand you to use firefox with Google toolbar. firefox can block any any popup and disable any virus and adware, spyware on webpage, so, firefox is much safer than IE browser. as you know, most of virus spread throught internet and webpage.

besides, firefox is much smaller than IE, so it run faster than IE.

download firefox for free, Just have a try:

Good Luck, Best Wishes!!!
Reply:For all computer related problems please check out

It not only gives complete solutions but also offers

free downloads of effective softwares which can detect

and eliminate all spy ware /virus /ad ware /Trojans completely.

What type of software can I write using C language?

You can code any software as long the hardware which will run it support it

What type of software can I write using C language?
Think creatively... you can do just about anything you want.
Reply:Any kind.
Reply:In theory it is possible to write any kind of program in C. Whether you can personally write them is another question entirely.

song titles

Is any free software available for correcting corrupted c.ds.?

Already-written cds are read-only. Therefore there is no software you can install to make changes to the disc.

It is possible that there is damage (scratches or dust or streaks) on the disc. There are cleaning kits out there that claim to be able to repair discs. If that fails, you're likely going to need a new copy of the cd.

Good luck!

Is any free software available for correcting corrupted c.ds.?

i hope ye are well

you could try

-------------------------Kindest Regards---------------------------------...

-------------------------Grace be with you---------------------------------



What software program do I need to program in C#?

For instance, I use Eclipse to write, check, test, and run Java programs. I want the program to have similar functionality where it tells me if i make a coding error, and is really good at writing code like Eclipse.

p.s. No, I cannot use Eclipse to write C#. I attempted to install Eclipse for C and it screwed up my Java Eclipse! (that took a very long time to fix!) No, suggest something other than eclipse please.

What software program do I need to program in C#?
Visual Studio's C++ programming software
Reply:Microsoft Visual Studio Express:

Missing some enterprise type features, but hey - it's free
Reply:C# is a Microsoft language, so you'd have to use Visual Studio, there is an express version of Visual Studio you can use which is free. Otherwise you could download the .Net Framework and use notepad if you wanted to write it and then complie it using the Framework, but having Visual Studio would make it easier.

How to install i can't install this software my computer haven't asp,j#,c# give the brief details.

u give brief details about system have java,c,c++,vb

How to install i can't install this software my computer haven't asp,j#,c# give the brief details.
For running ASP.NET all that u need is IIS and .NET Framework.

Also, note down the OS should be at least Win 2k with IIS or more recent.
Reply:If you want to develop for ASP.Net you can get a tool called webmatrix. I believe this is free (I did my first ASP.Net web services using this tool !)

Bear in mind though that you do have to have .Net framework installed and the IIS service running as the other answerers of your question have correctly stated.

webmatrix can be found here: although they now recommend Visual Web Developer instead!
Reply:Follow these steps

1. Install IIS(internet information server).

To install it. Go to control panel and click Add remove program and then click on "Add remove windows component". New dialog box will be opened and check Internet Information server from there and click next and finish the installation. You may need Windows CD to complete this step.

2. Download dot net framework from microsoft website if you dont have it and install it..latest available version is 2.0 from Microsoft. and name of the file will be dotnetfx.exe (it is also included in Visual studio CDs)

3. To check the installation Open browers and type http://localhost there if some website is opened ..All ok..otherwise repeat the process.

Have fun!

Download framework from the link
Reply:Hi Devi D,

All you need is latest version of Windows which includes IIS server. and Ms.NET software Cd's.

Typical installation Example.

1) Install windows xp professional with IIS server. ( If you choose custom installation of windows, you have option to choose IIS server).

2) Now when you are ready with IIS server. Get the dot NET Cd's and start installation. IT will automatically take care of Asp.NET also. ( you also have option to go for custom installation and opt for Asp.Net features).

Hope this information would be sufficient.

JD EDWARDS is a software language or a package? c, c++, java, oracle,visual basic knowlege is necessery to?

undersand JD edwards ? OR in what languages i must be familiar to understand JD EDWARDS?

JD EDWARDS is a software language or a package? c, c++, java, oracle,visual basic knowlege is necessery to?
It's a software package, you don't need to program.

song downloads

What software is needed for programming C language in system?

You can choose one of these:

Turbo C

Visual C


What software is needed for programming C language in system?
first of all no software is required for running C on system. well u must have windows 95 or above installed on ur system. just install the C lanuage on it (Turbo C preferably) and start programming.
Reply:turbo c++
Reply:Borland C++ or Turbo C++.
Reply:Boreland c++
Reply:You need Cobol!!!
Reply:Turbo C or Boraland
Reply:If linux nothing . But in windows you goto have one.

Turboc 3, Borland c, or you can use VC++.
Reply:You need anyone of the C compilers.

There are lot available for free.

Find on Google

A software magic mssngr asks for C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Ypager.... but ypager.exe is missing

the y pager file does not exist can anyone tell frm where i could get it

A software magic mssngr asks for C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Ypager.... but ypager.exe is missing
if you are using the new beta yahoo messenger this software probably do not work with this version of yahoo messenger. cause the name of the executable is different.

but if you have 7.0 or older version of yahoo messenger you may need select a different location (the location you have installed yahoo messenger).
Reply:reinstall yahoo messenger
Reply:Re-install Yahoo Messenger.
Reply:go to click on the tab for messenger. and download the installation file for yahoo messenger. the run the setup and it will get installed

Can i get microsoft office software for free. i got a p.c from ...?

I got a P.C. from a friend who had purchased a lap top. I am sure i mistakenly deleted all the word files ( document creation etc, ) Any way i can get the package back again ? ( for free ?) ( cannot system restore. it was a long time ago.)

Can i get microsoft office software for free. i got a p.c from ...?
Get the free Open Office..its nearly identical to %26amp; fully compatible with microsoft office for recognising file formats.

D/load from
Reply:no you cannot - it costs about £400 to buy. You can however download Open Office for free - go to - it is very similar.
Reply:Download Microsoft Office 2007 beta. Its free and will work until early 2007. Obviously with a beta there is a risk it might crash occasionly but my copy hasnt yet!
Reply:go to file hippo

download bi comet

use bit comet to search for top sites

listed in there are sites for programs accesories etc

you can get ms office pro with a licence

this is a file share but still an illegal copy

up to you if you wish to use it
Reply:Yes, you can. You can get the new 2007 Office Beta here:

Microsoft actually charges $1 for the download if I remember correctly :P. It is beta software, but in my experience, it works very well. You shouldn't have any issues. Also, I believe it expires around February 2007 (I could be wrong about the month).

OpenOffice should work fine for you if you don't need to share your word documents with others. It saves in the doc format, but it often gets the formatting wrong. OpenOffice isn't as good as Microsoft office, but it has most of its features. For now, use Microsoft Office 2007 as it is an amazing piece of software. They changed the whole interface and now it's really easy and intuitive.
Reply:No you cannot, not possible (read: legal) without the disk, unless you could somehow contact Windows with the registration number and redownload it. However I personally use OpenOffice which is free and does everything Microsoft Office will. Link is below, best of luck! have to buy them. Any other way is illegal.

Translate the following in english"Obtenga este software gratuito para comunicarse instantáneamente en línea c

Obtenga este software gratuito para comunicarse instantáneamente en línea con sus amigos, familiares, colaboradores o cualquier persona que elija.

Vaya a para descargar el software necesario para poder comenzar.

Anote mi dirección de correo electrónico:

Cuando concluya la instalación, agrégueme a su lista de contactos usando el botón Agregar y esta dirección.

Translate the following in english"Obtenga este software gratuito para comunicarse instantáneamente en línea c
Obtain this free software that allows you to instantly communicate online with your friends, relatives, coworkers or anyone you wish.

Go to to download the necessary software to begin.

Write down my e-mail address:

When you are finished with the installation, add me to your contact list by using the ADD button and this address.
Reply:Obtain this free software to communicate on line instantly with your friends, family, collaborators or anyone you choose.

Go to to download the software needed to start.

Take note of my email address:

When the installation process ends, add me to your contact list using the "Add" button and this address.

sending flowers

I have deleted the media file(video) n i dont want any1 to c it through any recovery software wht shud i do?

is there any place where file is stored after deletion so that i may remove it from there

I have deleted the media file(video) n i dont want any1 to c it through any recovery software wht shud i do?
if u havnt deleted it permanently...then it could be found under RECYCLE BIN.....othewise, if not there thne u have to use file recovery software....try PC INSPECTOR FILE RECOVERY.....its the best and avaliable at

Reply:You can get software to recover data, but not all data is tored for recovery, sometimes it is but at times it can be corrupted and irrecoverable. Just use google to search for data recovery and for whatever your OS may be.
Reply:What you need is a free space blanker or free space wiper.

This will go around all the free space and set it to truely blank, so anything that was stored there is wiped.

I want to connect my laptop(connected to net) to my P.C. Do I need special software for this?

my pc isn't connected to net but the cd -rw works and the cd-rw on my laptop won't record + I need to transfer files for back-ups and general copying. procedures for this would help me

I want to connect my laptop(connected to net) to my P.C. Do I need special software for this?
I think that a cross-over cable would work better than a "patch cable" I'd opt for the router or hub (whichever would cost less). That way you can always add computers to your network as needed. Buying a cross-over cable is cheaper but in the long run a hub or router would be the most cost effective.
Reply:if your laptop and your pc both have network interfaces, then id suggest using a patch cable and networking them to xfer the files

one cord so its cheaper than getting a router.
Reply:As it sounds like this is something that you would want to do on a regular basis, your best solution would be a router. It is a hardware box that has multiple network ports on it. You cannect both PCs to the box with a network cable and then they can talk to each other, share files, play multipler games, etc. Also if you have cable or DSL Internet, you can connect the modem for that any allow both computer to use the Internet at the same time. They cost about $40-60 and are available at any electronic store, or Walmart.

With C++ programming language do i need aditional help software?

If I download C++, do I need the help with it seperate, like using Visual Basic I have to download the full MSDN Library? what about using C++ or Visual C++ if there is such a thing.

With C++ programming language do i need aditional help software?
It is not necessary for you to have the additional help unless you need it for reference. Ya there is Visual C++ by Microsoft. You don't have to download the full MSDN library to use it. Visual C++ comes in the Visual Studio package which includes Visual Basic.
Reply:No u don't,help is already inserted,but there is also a msdn library online,and yes,Visual C++ exists,the last version is visual c++ 2008 express edition...u can download it from
Reply:the msdn library is helpful for reference but is available online .

Do i need to have a clear understanding of C++ before learning Java. What software do i need to run Java progs

I have taught classes in both C++ and Java, and you can certainly learn one without knowing the other. If you want to learn Java, go straight into it, don't worry about learning C++ first. C++ experience can help because you would already understand the concepts of objects, classes, methods, inheritance and polymorphism. But you can just as easily learn these concepts from scratch with Java. Already knowing C++ can actually put you at a disadvantage in some cases because you might then have programming habits that might be difficult to adapt into Java. The biggest advantage of knowing C++ first is that you'd be familiar with the programming syntax. If there's no reason to know C++, go straight into Java and don't look back. Download and install Java 2 Software Developers Kit (SDK) for free from Good luck.

Do i need to have a clear understanding of C++ before learning Java. What software do i need to run Java progs
No, you do not need to have a clear understanding of C++ before learning Java. In fact, many believe Java to be a better programming language for people learning how to develop software for the first time. C++ and Java allow one to develop software using Object Oriented methods. Both are very capable object oriented programming languages.

To run Java programs, you need a copy of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running on your machine, these usually come with the software you're trying to run.

If you meant to ask: "what tools do I need to start developing software in Java"; the answer is, you'll need a JVM (referred to above), Java Development Kit (JDK - available from and a text editor (like Textpad). You can easily get all of the above in a neat little package called an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). NetBeans ( or Eclipse ( are good (free) examples.
Reply:as long as you understand the concepts of Object Oriented Programming (ie classes etc) you should be okay. The language is not that hard to learn but an understanding of C++ would help because cpp and java are similar in ways.
Reply:No, you don't.

Though Java has C++ -alike syntax, it has quite another internal logic. It appears to be closer to scripting language than to a low-level programming language as C is.

With Java, you need to know Java API and it will be enough.
Reply:For learning, check out the excellent free eBook, "Thinking in Java". No previous C++ experience required.

For the actual software, Sun's site.

Then you'll want to explore IDE's (Integrated Development Environments) to see which one you like best. Eclipse is probably the most popular. Others are NetBeans or my favorite, Borland JBuilder. All but the last one are free.

Other technologies commonly used with Java are ANT (for automated batch processing), JUnit (for unit testing), CVS (for version control), Tomcat and JSP (for server-side Java).
Reply:Although there are similarities, java is a language of it's own, so you don't need to learn any other language first.

As for what you need, you need the java virtual machine installed to run programs. To write them, any good text editor, and a java compiler.
Reply:not really but it wouldnt hurt. I took java without C or C++ and it would have helped if I took C or C++ first!!!
Reply:some java prog is available of , see them

send flowers

Is there any software that can convert matlab program to c or c++ language??

is there any program that can be used to convert the matlab codes into c language or c++ language. pls tell the name and if possible let me know the link of websites where from i can download the same for free.

i will be highly thankful.

Is there any software that can convert matlab program to c or c++ language??
Matlab has a companion named Simulink which can produce C-code. Maybe this will help?


What software I need to start programming in C++?

Do I need to run a server or do U have a list of specific software wich I need to install? Help please!!!

What software I need to start programming in C++?
The c++ compiler, and a good editor is all you need.
Reply:installing C++ is a starter ;)
Reply:try looking or buying at microsoft C++ .. or visual studio still microsoft product .. you need a server ..
Reply:This is too easy.

Download Dev-CPP from

Go to downloads for Dev-C++ and get the version with mingw/GCC

That gives you a first class C/C++ compiler and a very usable development system (and free).

That is all you need to start.

You can get add-ons later, like graphics libraries, GUI libraries and other stuff later. But as-is, you can still make nice Windows apps as well as command line tools.
Reply:You need a C++ compiler. An IDE (like Visual Studio) is good for learning. A server is not necessary.

Here is a free IDE that has good recommendations, but I have never used it.
Reply:all u need is a brain
Reply:Do you want to run a server, or just program in C++? if you just want to program in C++ all you need is a compiler for your system, if you are on linux you should already have gcc installed. otherwise search or for c C++ compilers. Also useful would be an IDE, which usually includes a code editor, a compiler, and a debugging engine. Those can also be found at the above listed sites.
Reply:You need the following:

An editor to create your c++ source files

A C++ compiler

A linker that takes compiled object files and creates executable programs

It's also good to have a make tool, to help you build complicated projects.

There are systems (typically called IDE's) that provide all this and more in a package. Microsoft Visual Studio is one example.

In short, you don't need a server, just the c++ compiler + tools. The first question you need to answer is, what OS are you developing on.

My software is not compatible with my p.c.?

I have vivitar 3 in 1 mini digital camera i put in the disk that came with the camera and tried to install the software and my computer says that it is not recommended please help.

My software is not compatible with my p.c.?
OK, not to worry.....


I trust that you have plugged in the Camera via the USB port.

If you look on MyComputer, you should be able to see a "new drive" with a directory of DCIM (or something very close).

MOST Digital Camera's will recognize the Camera as a Drive (same for USB Flash Drives, etc).

Please verify with me that your computer is seeing the Camera.


If you look on the internet for VIVITAR and maybe even put in the MODEL# of the Camera, you should find a support site. There should be proper software.

IF YOU NEED HELP, please feel free to contact me on Yahoo!Messenger for more "live assistance".

I have installed Yahoo IM in my C Drive & also downloaded the software there but it will not launch? Plz help

If you are using a firewall, it must be configured, to let yahoo messenger through..Open your firewall, and then, click on program controls, on the left side of your screen..Then click on programs, and make sure, there is a checkmark, next to the messenger..Good Luck..

I have installed Yahoo IM in my C Drive %26amp; also downloaded the software there but it will not launch? Plz help
try downloading it again
Reply:the best thing i can advice you is to uninstall it and download it again.
Reply:if that doesnt work u may need to isntall a lower version of yahoo messenger. yahoo has em lying around cuz sometimes the new versions may have some bugs in there that needs to be fixed and patched up
Reply:I have installed Yahoo IM in my C Drive %26amp; also downloaded the software there but it will not launch? Plz help

firstly, what software?

when yahoo im is installed, u get a bunch of shortcuts everywhere on ur desktop, start panel, quick launch bar etc. so check them out..or else go to control panel %26gt; add/remove programs and check for yahoo IM.


Fatal Error: could not create destination file C:/Program Files (x86)/id Software/Quake 4/q4mp/gamex86.dll?

Bad question. You don't tell us anything about when and where and how this issue is being generated.

Does it happen after install, during install, during run... does it happen when there's a full-moon but not during a half-moon? Tell us something about the problem don't just blurt out the error.

I'll assume for the moment that you are installing the program as it should not be creating a dll file during run.

1. Remove the program via add/remove programs as far as you can.

2. Reboot your computer.

3. Go back and remove the folders. There may be a file (gamex86.dll) that is set to read-only. If this is the case then navigate to the file and right-click it, then turn off it's read-only attribute. If you can't delete the folders by unhiding and un-read-onlying the files then try renaming the root game folder to another name.

4. Reboot your computer

5. Install your program again. (quake 4?)

Does this fix it?


Roger Tiedemann, Jr.

roger at

Fatal Error: could not create destination file C:/Program Files (x86)/id Software/Quake 4/q4mp/gamex86.dll?
This is too bad. Reconfigure the vbasomodulator and replace the linkage between the usb interlocks and reboot the software generating node.
Reply:thats nice what do you do for an encore?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hey Guys, Career advice required. Is it ok to work with Enterprise Software (Siebel) or more general java / C#

Specially looking from perspective that Enterprise software like pplsoft, siebel etc are acquired by oracle..............

Hey Guys, Career advice required. Is it ok to work with Enterprise Software (Siebel) or more general java / C#
I would always go with the more general and work towards the specific when making a choice like this. You are going to get much more use and opportunities learning Java and C# than going with specific specialized enterprise software. Java and C# reach into so many other areas of the computing world that learning those will allow you to be incredibly flexible. After learning those you can go back and pick up the specialized software.

The idea is that if you ever find yourself out of work or in need of a career change (within the computing field) your Java/C# knowledge is going to allow you to do that. Another thing is that if you go and tie your training to a specific vendor if that company has problems, so do you (granted Oracle is pretty solid but even an Enron scandal could crush a company like Oracle)

I know quite a bit about Java and C# myself and I am so glad I know these because it has really opened up my marketability to other companies.

That is what I would go with if it was me. Good luck with the future opportunities.

Where can i learn how to make a program to form a link between a circuit and software using VB6 or C++?


can anyone plzzz tell me if there are websites that can let me have source code or help to connect a circuit (that consist of sencors that go on and off as u pass ur hand through it) and it should make time start and stop on the computer screen

this is a school work so plzzz help me out man... thanks :)

Where can i learn how to make a program to form a link between a circuit and software using VB6 or C++?
Depends on what you mean by circuit. Interfacing hardware to the PC to measure and/or control somethis can be done several ways.

1.) Parallel Port ( obsolete )

2.) Serial Port RS232 to a uC like a Basic Stamp

3.) USB using a Phidget (yea that's what its called)

4.) Data Aquistion DAQ hardware PCI card but may also be connected to any of above

Although a parallel port can be used for direct controll of a circuit it is not included on newer PC's and there are better alternatives. I just mention it here as if you want to do a non microcotroller hardware project (PC only) than parallel port is the way to go but you need to have on installed on your PC

THe Parallax BASIC Stamp is probably the most well supported beginner uC available. There is an app not on how to exchange data between the STAMP and VB. The Stamp controller is cheap running arround $40 but you have to add hardware and circuity so it makes sense to get a development board /kit which I believe run from $79 to 129

The easiest hardware interface to use and the newest is a Phidget. these are USB enaled devices that allow upto 8 analog, 8 Digital IN and 8 Digital Outputs to be easily connected to a PC and programmed in just about any Visual Studio Language and the Robotics Studio. Cost $100 The down side to a phidget is that it is just an interface, the PC program is running the control software.

The Basic Stamp is a controller and can run a control program independently from the PC. The techniques in the Parallax App note use a VB program to send basic commands to the uC like Start/ Stop and get readings from the Basic Stamp. Meanwhile the stamp is running its program to control whatever hardware is connected to it...

Finally check out National Instruments NI.COM and

both of these companies sell lab data loggers and have acedemic programs. DATAQ even has a FREE DAQ for qualified students
Reply:"Microsoft Visual C++ Professional or Enterprise edition version 5.0 needed..." M$ needs the money, I guess.

If it were me, it would be Linux/java using Linux kernel 2.6. Lots more libraries, but since what you do is a school project. I find unless you are willing to purchase a book the C++ side is called CE and it's mainly Microsoft. Most searches I did only get a hardware manufacturer telling what tools you CAN use.

How can i run a program c++. but not with hte software , but manual...with entrance process and exit?

Well, the compiler and linker should have built an *.exe file with the name of your program/project. Just run it from the start / run option in the task bar. Or click on it. I hope that this is what you meant, your question is a little difficult for me to understand.

garden centre

Is Object Oriented Programming (C sharp) a good thing in modern software development? Justify your answer.?

This is the topic that I have to talk about in few days. My supervisor suggested me to say something good about C sharp and also compare Object Oriented Programming with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) but this is too hard for me. Anyone can help me with this, about 200 words because I have only few minutes to talk about this. Thank you very much.

Is Object Oriented Programming (C sharp) a good thing in modern software development? Justify your answer.?
Try to download the free Visual C# Express 2005 from Microsoft and also check the online documentation of MSDN.

These are the excerpt from the documentation:

"C# Language

C# syntax is highly expressive, yet with less than 90 keywords, it is also simple and easy to learn. The curly-brace syntax of C# will be instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with C, C++ or Java. Developers who know any of these languages are typically able to begin working productively in C# within a very short time. C# syntax simplifies many of the complexities of C++ while providing powerful features such as nullable value types, enumerations, delegates, anonymous methods and direct memory access, which are not found in Java. C# also supports generic methods and types, which provide increased type safety and performance, and iterators, which enable implementers of collection classes to define custom iteration behaviors that are simple to use by client code.

As an object-oriented language, C# supports the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. All variables and methods, including the Main method, the application's entry point, are encapsulated within class definitions. A class may inherit directly from one parent class, but it may implement any number of interfaces. Methods that override virtual methods in a parent class require the override keyword as a way to avoid accidental redefinition. In C#, a struct is like a lightweight class; it is a stack-allocated type that can implement interfaces but does not support inheritance.

In addition to these basic object-oriented principles, C# facilitates the development of software components through several innovative language constructs, including:

Encapsulated method signatures called delegates, which enable type-safe event notifications.

Properties, which serve as accessors for private member variables.

Attributes, which provide declarative metadata about types at run time.

Inline XML documentation comments.

If you need to interact with other Windows software such as COM objects or native Win32 DLLs, you can do this in C# through a process called "Interop." "

Is Object Oriented Programming (C Sharp) a good thing in modern software development? Justify your answer.?

This is the topic that I have to talk about in few days. My supervisor suggested me to say something good about C sharp and also compare Object Oriented Programming with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) but this is too hard for me. Anyone can help me with this, about 200 words because I have only few minutes to talk about this. Thank you very much.

Is Object Oriented Programming (C Sharp) a good thing in modern software development? Justify your answer.?
Object Orientated programing is the only way to go. The launguage does not really matter as long as its a firth generation level language. OO allows you to reuse code and thus increase the effectivness of your porgrammin efforts. C#, VB.Net or c++ all allow for OO programming, it jsut depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Top Down programming is useless in this day and time.

I need to learn Pro * C. Where can I get Software and materail?

Ask the one who told you to learn. I have never heard about it.

What is the work of C.E.O in a software company?

Ensure continued profitability.

What is the work of C.E.O in a software company?
try to avoid being indicted
Reply:laugh all the way to the bank
Reply:bossing people around.

flower show

What’s the best C drive imaging or backup software?

Note that I’m still using Windows XP Pro.

What’s the best C drive imaging or backup software?
if u want a image then use norton ghost.

or u can use microsoft backup also to copy all ur drive.

in run command type ntbackup and press enter for launching the Microsoft backup wizard.
Reply:You can use Norton Ghost:

To Know More:

How we can use c programming language for making software?

You write a program, you compile it, you run it.

Your question doesn't really make much sense.

How we can use c programming language for making software?
Use Tubro C Compilers, They Are Free, And Available From Borland (THE Best Programing Vendor) For Free.
Reply:You need a C compiler. Follow my link below.

I am going to develop small software which one is better vb,C#?

can you tell me the advantages vb,c# on

space memory,set up enviroment.....

I am going to develop small software which one is better vb,C#?
No noticeable advantages to either one. The differences in performance and capabilities are so negligible, that you can find programs that will translate C# code to VB.NET and vice versa.

Just use the language that is most comfortable for you, and have a good time. :)

Good luck.
Reply:Try to use dot net when you are using either c# or vb. It is a very efficient platform.
Reply:Coding, Packaging %26amp; Deploying in VB is easier.

But if you want to develop the software for latest generation of Windows then you may have trouble using VB to develop applications as some parts of the VB application are no longer supported. So The best would be VB.NET or C#

Between VB.NET %26amp; C# - if you already familiar with VB - go for VB.NET or else go for C# as its more flexible.
Reply:VISUAL BASIC will be better for u it is easy to programme on this language.

it GUI language which enables u to see what u r doing

I think the comparison should be between and C#.

VB.Net has some level backward compatibity for old VB, so if you are an old vb programmer your code may have overhead of this feature. But C# is a totally new language designed to .Net Platform, it is strongly typed and bit more options than Also the case insensitivity may cost a bit to the CLR in case of

VB.NET is also designed for the framework. It is strongly typed. All languages that work in .NET must work with the framework. True, C# does have a few more tricks up its sleave that VB.NET does not, but not that many.

The Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace has many functions that are found in earlier version of VB to support migration. However, many of those functions can be found in a similar form in the framework, and I'd recommend learning those in order to stick to generic framework methods (vs. language specific). If you still need to use some older style VB function, you can. And you can use them in any .NET language because the Microsoft.VisualBasic classes are part of the framework.

When .NET code is compiled, it's all distilled down to MicroSoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) that lives in the assembly (DLL/EXE). This makes the case issue irrelevant when it comes to performance.[/quote]

Until you get into advanced coding techniques where you may need to take advantage of some of the minor differences between the .NET languages you will find that they both perform and behave the same. All .NET languages support all aspects of the framework while each provides a few things the others don't.
Reply:im an software diploma holder i had been done an PROJECT in VB so i recomend u to do ur software in "VB language"coz u can understand "vb" even u dont know anything abt any computer me in aur colleage we also did our projects in "VB".....also in market u get vbs books ===="BLACK BOOK";;PROJECTS IN VB";;an TECHMAX PUBLICATIONS"VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING ("ask for "TY DIPLOMA IN COMPUTERS")".........ur frnd ROHAN

I am electrical engg, i need to know which course should i opt in software to enter software job,i know c,c++?

algorithms, data structures, computer organization

I am electrical engg, i need to know which course should i opt in software to enter software job,i know c,c++?
since u know c++ u have 2 options .either u learn J2EE or learn DOTNet(,,...). These two courses have great demand in indian software market. if u r not interested in programming then learn testing tools. it too has great future.ALL THE BEST. i hope my answer help u in choosing correct course

phone cards

Could anyone please provide me the list of start up software companies working in C++ in Bangalore?

why are you so focused on C++? Many companies have long since started developing applications using Java architecture. since Java is a similar language to C++, if you top up with J2EE, you should be able to land a developer job w/ any company..

and why start-up?

I run my own firm, and we do quite a bit of development on Java. If you have the right skills, you can send me your resume

Trying to find out where I can get time stamping software for P.A.C.E interviews (police interviews) Thanks?

Activecam is free, will record and add a timestamp with custom text, however it is more geared towards security applications with motion detection. but it will do what you want it to.

Do I have to know the WinAPI to write software using .NET and C#?


Do I have to know the WinAPI to write software using .NET and C#?
No. Personally, I consider it THE big advantage of C#/.NET that you don't have to familiarize yourself with the Win32 API anymore.

OK, maybe not THE big advantage, but one of the bigger ones. :-)
Reply:No! .Net framework has covered all winapi functions in the framework itself.
Reply:not at all, win32 is very hard and we can assume it obsolete in virtually every case
Reply:no. For a great site with source code samples, check out

Is there any software which converts matlab programming to c language?

actually i have written a code in matlab....but it is not running on DSP i have to convert it in C language.....this is urgent i need it for my project.....

Is there any software which converts matlab programming to c language?
Is C++ fine? If so then should help you ;)

Good luck.


Could anyone please provide me the list of software companies working in C++ in Bangalore?

not on this uk site

Does anyone know a really good website that has free software to teach you C,C++,Perl,or Visual Basic?

I recommend that you utilize several methods to assist your learning process. Get several books on software programming; bookstore, library, e-books. As you study the various programming concepts and examples, one book may offer better explanations than another. Also, when you look at as many examples as possible, you get a better understanding of the practical applications.

Try to do work out as many programming problems as possible. And finally, review, review, review. Hopefully, you will be supplement your learning with e-books, and possibly joining a forum or two.

By joining a forum—or two, you can pose questions when your are truly stuck on a problem—and receive concise and intelligible responses.

Is there a community college in your area that offers programming courses?




Tutorials—comprehensive listings:

The Code Project - Free Source Code and Tutorials:

Sams Teach Yourself...

Visual Basic code snippets

C++ tutorials:



Good luck.


Bought a bluetooth dongle(2.0) downloaded software drivers,e.t.c computer cant pick up my mob is enabled?

u need to enable blue tooth on ur comp too for them both to connect

Bought a bluetooth dongle(2.0) downloaded software drivers,e.t.c computer cant pick up my mob is enabled?
When searching (pairing new device) depress the button on the headset. It can take a few attempts. Hope that helps, passcodes usually preset 0000
Reply:Bluetooth dongle are a pain in the butt, sometime they work sometimes they don't.

Free Software for viewing movies on p.c?

Could someone please help. Like a dumb ***, I deleted something off my p.c. that actually helps me to view movies I have. Now I can't watch anything. Is there anything out there that I could download for free?

Free Software for viewing movies on p.c?
Try just putting a DVD in, it should play. If not, do a google search to find out what programs came installed on your computer new. You can figure which one it is your missing from there.
Reply:VLC Media Player is by far the best free media player (for DVDs and lots more)! It is always given good ratings from review companies such as CNET. Here is a link:

It can play all kinds of video including .bin/cue movies, DVDs, AVIs, and a huge list of more.
Reply:Download VLC. That is a great program. It is free.

flash cards

How do I remove Morpheus p2p software from my p.c?

computer and technology

How do I remove Morpheus p2p software from my p.c?

Click on Morpheus and click on remove.

You should then do a SEARCH for Morpheus and delete any remaining files in the system, just to make sure it's all gone.
Reply:go to start then control panel then click add or remove programs the go to morpheus then click uninstall and it should take out the program completly

How do I remove Morpheus p2p software from my p.c?

computer and technology

How do I remove Morpheus p2p software from my p.c?
If there isn't an option to uninstall the program from


-all programs

-(find morpheus)

-uninstall .....

if uninstall is not there then


-control pannel

-add/remove programs

-(find morpheus) click remove

(answer is for a computer with xp... getting to the same thing in vista may be a little different.
Reply:Have Mr.Smith handle your business......
Reply:if you saved it to your favorites or your files or documents you should be able to right click on it and press delete something might pop up that says system is still running or something but later on you should be able to delete it
Reply:Try this link!

A quick google found this for you. Hope it helps.

flower girl

How can we compile and run a soure code wrtiten on java or C/C++ from Another webpage or application software?

Actually we want to implement a simpler version of an Online Judge like some available online judging system ( Valladolid(UVA) / Sphere / TJU / ZJU / Saratov Online Judge etc. ) which can receive a source code and verify the output produced by that source code .

But we can not find any solutions about how to run a source code ( java / c / c++) that we received.

We are interested to use PHP as our tools. ( any opinion ? )

* * * We just need to implement a simpler Judge. Not as sophisticated as Others.

Addresses of some Available Online Judge :

UVA - old -

new -

Saratov -

Sphere -

How can we compile and run a soure code wrtiten on java or C/C++ from Another webpage or application software?
Having been involved in writing one a while back, writing judging software is not straightforward at all, and there are some security considerations that you should take VERY seriously. That said, once you've somehow (this is the hard part) verified that this source code is safe, all you need to do is to compile it to a temporary executable with the languages native compiler and run it, capturing its stdout for making purposes. It should not be too difficult?


ok, to update with a more specific answer. I'm not good with PHP, but lets pretend that you're using perl which I'm more familiar with. The syntax will be very similar. This will be a little pseudocodey, but close enough to real perl.

# So suppose you have all your request data in the hash CGI,

# things will be a little different in PHP but I'm sure you can figure

# it out.

use IO::File;

use POSIX qw(tmpnam);

my $sourceCode = $CGI{source};

# try new temporary filenames until we get one that didn't already exist

do { $name = tmpnam() }

until $fh = IO::File-%26gt;new($name, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL);

# install atexit-style handler so that when we exit or die,

# we automatically delete this temporary file

END { unlink($name) or die "Couldn't unlink $name : $!" }

# now go on to use the file ...

print $fh $sourceCode;

system("javac $name");

if ( `java $name.class` == $expectedOutput) {





So the steps are:

- Read the input file

- write it to a temp file

- invoke the correct compile (in this case javac)

- run the compile program and capture its output (in perl we can use ` ` to do that)

- check the captured output.

Did that answer your questions?

How to transfer Picasa2, a software currently on the C drive, to the D drive including its content. Thanks?

There is software out there that does this, but the best thing to do is to uninstall if from your C drive, and install it onto your D drive.

Make sure you have a copy of your data first. :)

How to transfer Picasa2, a software currently on the C drive, to the D drive including its content. Thanks?
In Windows, no can do.

Your best bet is to uninstall it, then re-install it. When you re-install it, look for an option to install it to a certain folder. Set that folderto be a folder on your D driver.
Reply:Just install it again to your D drive and then when it is dome you can copy all the contents from the c drive over to the respected director on D drive and still retain all your .ini and .dll files, that way all your settings remain.. ;-) Kewl eh!

Hope this helps you out
Reply:you need to open up the computer file, access picasa2 and select move folder and select d, as for the content it should copy over if not go into the program and copy manually to d drive.

Give me an example of software program using turbo c.?

Here is code.. i coded for sorting a 1-Dimeinsional Array of Integers..


# include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

# include %26lt;conio.h%26gt;

# include %26lt;alloc.h%26gt;

# define MAX 5

void main()


int *ary, i, j, temp;


ary = (int *) malloc (MAX * sizeof(int));

printf("\n Please enter the elements one by one...\n");

for(i=0; i%26lt;MAX; i++)


printf("\n Element No %d: ", i+1);

scanf("%d", ary+i);


for(i=0; i%26lt;MAX-1; i++)

for(j=i+1; j%26lt;MAX; j++)


if(*(ary+i) %26gt; *(ary+j))


temp = *(ary+i);

*(ary+i) = *(ary+j);

*(ary+j) = temp;



printf("\n The sorted array is as follows... ");

for(i=0; i%26lt;MAX; i++)

printf("%d ", *(ary+i));



Compilation Instructions:

Press F7 to compile...

If zero Errors, then proceed...

Press CTRL+F9 to Execute the program...

Give me an example of software program using turbo c.?
many pharmacy companies are using C, Turbo C, C++ as a basis to test drugs on a "human" computer, before testing them anywhere else.
Reply:#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;


void main()


printf("my name is AMIT"); //print name of screen



it is simple program which will print name on screen all its need is compile on turboc and run
Reply:Search the internet - it'll be quicker than waiting for an answer here.

Whats the Best Free Antivirus Software for Home P.C.?

Check out the video review below for the best free Antivirus program ~ Patrick

The Top Rated Free Antivirus Program researched from those who test Antivirus programs (av comparatives,, and other reviews including this video review) is

Avira Antivir

Today you are in more danger from Spyware I Download, Install, Update and Run SuperAntiSpyware

( I used this to remove spyware and Trojans from a laptop that adaware would only detect but not get rid of ) It detected and removed everything

These 2 FREE tools will help keep your machine clean

Whats the Best Free Antivirus Software for Home P.C.?

It's AVG Free Edition.

It detects more than 90% of Viruses, and updates are several times per day.
Reply:You should try Spyware Terminator, it free and its the best, i have it on my computer right now.

here is the website for it:
Reply:Prevention is better than cure
Reply:If you want a free anti-virus I recommend in order of popularity, but please choose the right one for you (install only one):

1. AVG Free

a. A simple interface (easier to use than Avast! and Avira)

b. Can detect about 82.82% of viruses

Cons: low virus detection

2. Avast!

a. Real-time protection

b. It has an option to delete a virus once found

c. Can detect about 87.46% of viruses.

Cons: Too many icons and confusing user interface

3. Avira AntiVir

a. It can detect malware better than Avast and AVG

b. It's cute umbrella icon

c. Can detect about 94.26% of viruses

Cons: A very sluggish update

Never install Norton anti-virus, it entrenches itself deep inside of your computer and is almost impossible to completely remove. The best anti-virus available is Kaspersky or NOD32 (recent tests at
Reply:Try AVG... I'm not sure if it's free forever, but I know they offer a free trial at
Reply:don't try for the free anti virus software. you can download kspersky 7 for 30 days trial. after the 30 days you have to remove it and reinstall it. other wise you can find a registry key through the internet. it is the best antivirus ever made. i have 5 years experience of antivirus programme. this is the best one i've ever found. i know really when you try free antivirus programme and it will lost your date and time. free antivirus programmes don't look after your computer . they are not take any responsibility to protect your computer. so consider my answer and go through the correct way. otherwise it will wast your time and data. good luck.
Reply:Here's a list of free Anti-Virus software:

* AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic

* AOL Active Virus Shield (no longer available via AOL)

* AVG Anti-Virus Free (Registerware)

* avast! Home (Registerware)

* BitDefender

* Comodo AntiVirus

* F-PROT (for Linux, FreeBSD and DOS only)

* HandyBits VirusScan Integrator

* PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition

* ThreatFire AntiVirus (formerly Cyberhawk)

* Super Anti-spyware

Do some research on all of them, see what you think would be the best for your needs.

curse of the golden flower