Friday, May 21, 2010

What is the name of C++ program?

Well, I wanted to learn something bout this language, but don't have a clue from where to start. Is there any program I can buy and download from net? Or is there free C++ software :)? ty

What is the name of C++ program?
You DON'T have to learn C before C++, but I do suggest you buy a book on C++ programming. See my source list below.

It's not going to be easy, but everyone's a beginner at some point, so you're NOT "in over your head".




Reply:Ive used Turbo C, and Dev C... Search for it in Google... Type "Dev C download free" then hit Search... Or, "Turbo C download free" in your search bar.. Buy books or get it free from BearShare....
Reply:you have to learn C before C++ and you're in over your head... take some classes
Reply:Don't start with C or C++. They will be discouraging for a beginner. Instead, start using an interpreted object-oriented scripting language like Python. Once you get the hang of that, it will be easier to move on to C++.
Reply:i always suggest before learning any programming language to go and learn algorithms, it is the first step towards programming world
Reply:%26gt; "Well, I wanted to learn something bout this language, but don't have a clue from where to start."

You'll want to acquire learning resources and the software necessary to write C++ programs. I suggest buying a book, rather than googling and reading everything off the internet. There's a lot of bad C++ code on the internet, and you don't want to learn from that.

C++ Books: There's an organization called ACCU that checks C++ books for technical accuracy. Their reviews are at

You'll notice there's a huge number of bad books. In any case, I highly recommend two books: C++ primer by Lippman and Accelerated C++ by Koenig. Both books are technically good and are written by authors who know what they are talking about.

If you want something from the internet, make do with ,,, and . The first site is a link to tutorials which are technically accurate. The second is reference to the standard library, which you will need. The last two are FAQs, frequently answered questions, and you will have questions.

%26gt; "Is there any program I can buy and download from net? Or is there free C++ software "

This "C++ software" is called a C++ compiler. You need two things to start writing C++ programs. The first is the compiler which converts your code to the language of the machine. The second software you need is a plain text editor or an IDE to actually write the code in.

Some compilers cost money (Visual C++, Borland C++, Intel C++), but there are some for free. The big one is gcc, which has versions for *nix/linux/Macs and Windows (under the name MinGW). Another one is Visual C++ Express edition. Google them, and download either.

There's countless plain text editors and a few IDEs. Examples of IDEs are Visual Studio (for use with Visual C++), wxDev-C++, and Code::Blocks.

sending flowers

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