Friday, May 21, 2010

What is the difference between C,C+ and C#? And what would be the most practical to learn, for software delvel

c -----------old one, structured programming procedural

c++-----------superset of c, object oriented, more features

c#----------object oriented, newest, made by microsoft only can be used microsoft compiler

c++ its in between

What is the difference between C,C+ and C#? And what would be the most practical to learn, for software delvel
I don't know much about these languages but they are just slight variations of the same sort of thing. Once you know one of them, the others will follow fairly quickly. I would start with C if you don't know any already - C# is pretty useful but so are the rest.
Reply:C is the older version. An upgrade from CoBol. CoBol proved to be very antiquated cumbersome and expensive due to the complicated complier. As programming begin to develop to object oriented, what we use today, Cobol became C; C became C++; C++, became C#. Each generation of this progression developed into what is C#, which is completely object oriented programming. Which is the newest generation of programming.
Reply:C isn't related to COBOL. C was derived from B, which was derived from a language called BCPL.

C is a structured procedural programming language. C++ is basically C with object-oriented extensions. C# is a Microsoft implementation of C++ with proprietary extensions, running on a bytecode interpreter.

What you should learn is dependant on what you want to do.
Reply:c and Cobol aren't related.. Cobol and Fortran are..

c is a good place to start though... c++ and c# are normally for even driven things such as windows..

u have things like on event.. or on click(windows) and general things like inheritance etc.

but i would start off with C initially, as C++ is quite daunting.

depends on what sort of environment also, I'm a big fan of Linux for C, that's what I learned with on uni..

but c# and c++ I'm guessing people would want visual C++ etc

you would be easily able to find books on it at the library , esp C as it's an old language and use it as a building block..

if you don't want to go with the Linux environment you could always get a free windows one

also a decent editor like "crimson editor" again free.
Reply:The differences between these dialects of C have been touched on by other responders. In response to the second half of your question, it largely depends on what kind of development you wish to do. C is generally still used for low-level operating system code and hardware drivers. C# is used for a variety of application software, as well as web applications. You will find C or C++ easiest to learn if you have access to a computer running linux, as most linux distributions also package C/C++ tools such as compilers.
Reply:I think c is the original, used in os design, c++ is a modified version that is object based and c# is the microsoft version. I couldn't tell you differences in syntax because I don't know any of them. I would learn either c++ or c#. there is also c# for .net which you could also try.

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