Friday, May 21, 2010

What is disk defragmenter?if i defragment my c\;disk will i lost my importent data or software etc?

Here's a quote from The Elder Geek site:

"As advanced as hard drives have become, one item they are not very good at is housekeeping, or maybe that should be drive keeping. When files are created, deleted, or modified it's almost a certainty they will become fragmented. Fragmented simply means the file is not stored in one place in its entirety, or what computer folks like to call a contiguous location. Different parts of the file are scattered across the hard disk in noncontiguous pieces. The more fragmented files there are on a drive, the more performance and reliability suffer as the drive heads have to search for all the pieces in different locations. The Disk Defragmenter Utility is designed to reorganize noncontiguous files into contiguous files and optimize their placement on the hard drive for increased reliability and performance."

To keep your machine running ship-shape, it's always a good idea to delete temporary files, internet cache and uninstall unused programs then defragment your drive(s).

Follow the Geek's instructions.

What is disk defragmenter?if i defragment my c\;disk will i lost my importent data or software etc?
disk defragmenter beasically rearranges the files on your hard drive to have your system work more efficiently. Not your files that you have saved but other documents that may not be as obvious to you. It does not delete documents.

It does take about 30 minutes to run.
Reply:Sometimes when you install a program or create a data file, the file ends up chopped up into chunks and stored in multiple locations on the disk. This is called fragmentation.

There's a simple solution to file fragmentation: use Windows Disk Defragmenter (Start –%26gt; Programs –%26gt; Accessories –%26gt; System Tools –%26gt; Disk Defragmenter). This utility, commonly called Defrag, gathers all the scattered file fragments and writes them into adjacent clusters, so each file occupies a contiguous section of the disk.

Defrag works by moving slabs of data to unused parts of the disk, in order to open up a large free section of space. It then assembles the fragmented parts of a file and writes them in one complete piece to the cleared space; it then does the same with the next file; and so on until the entire disk is defragmented.

You will not lose any data by defragmenting your Data. So don't be afraid of these myths.

To know more about Disk Defragmentation check the link in source.
Reply:No, you won't 'lose' any important data or software ... the 'defragmenter' simply 'rearranges everything' so that it's easier and faster to 'find it' when it is looking for it. You should 'defragment' your hard drive (your C disk) at least once every week ... but use the 'disk clean up' first and be prepared to have the first defrag take a full day if you've never done this before.
Reply:I can't believe I actually know this, since I don't think I'm much of a computer geek.

Disk defragment will not erase any data. Disk defrag is more of a "organization" of your computer. It puts all the files and pieces of files back together so that your computer will run more efficiently. :) Hope this helps.

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