Monday, May 24, 2010

Wat is an AIM server like koolim, meebo, and ebuddy? something where i dont have to download a software?

i dont want something where ihave to download a software b/c the software doesnt connect to the internet - parents blocked the AIM access to my comp. koolim and meebo both worked b/c it was on the internet browser i guess? idk but wats something similar to those? cuz those are now blocked on my comp too..

Wat is an AIM server like koolim, meebo, and ebuddy? something where i dont have to download a software?
try and click aim express, unless they blocked that site. But in my opinion, you should really listen to your parents.
Reply:AIM has a service called AIMExpress that you actually dont have to dl onto the computer. I use this at school, since my school has AIM (the actual messanger blocked). Just go to and look for the express! Make sure you have popup blocker off or it will block it. Good lucK!
Reply:uhmm my parents did the same thing so i just go to its just like all those other sites


Which of the following groups is a major category of software?

A. Spreadsheet software

B. Word processors

C. Application software

D. Database

Which of the following groups is a major category of software?
I'm gonna go with C. Application Software because applications seem to represent a more broad spectrum of software. Database, Word Processing, and Spreadsheet software are all specialized.
Reply:probably d.

do ur own homework

C++ very noob here pls help ! thnx?

im very much noob here (just started it 2days ago lol) im using Dev C++ Bloodshed Software (lol dont know how to say it in correct technical grammar).

Hello World is d most basic (like hacking pinball scores when using CE) but my problem is after i compile d source file and run it, the only thing that happens is that the command prompt (or whatever) flashes for only a few milliseconds. I cant see then if the messege "Hello World" had appeard...

help me pls.. lol

when creating hello world, is it at new source file? or at new project? or at new resouce file? lol pls support d noob thnx !

C++ very noob here pls help ! thnx?

Try creating a batch file to run your program and put pause as the last command e.g.



saved as myapp.bat

When you run this the window should stay on the screen for you to read until a key is pressed.

It is most likely a new project (console app)
Reply:Just try out by giving




just before the closing of main()

It ll wait for u to see the message.

You have to include

Reply:a). Run your compiled program from the command line.


b). Set a breakpoint on your program's return statement


c) Step through the program using the debugger.


d) Add the line of code:


to create an infinite loop.

If you don't know how to do step b or c, you are eventually going to learn, so pull out the manual now and learn how to do it.
Reply:put this statement right before return 0 in your int main function



#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

using namespace std;

int main()


//all code here

cout %26lt;%26lt; "almost done with program, going to stop here" %26lt;%26lt; endl;


return 0;


this will give a message to push a key to continue to the end of the program.

to answer your questions...

DEV C++ is called a compiler

helloworld.cpp is called a source file

helloworld.cpp and other files relating to it, such as helloworld.h would be considered a project (which means your into more advanced programming stuffs)

and helloworld.exe would be a new program, created by you.

I don't really think your a noob, your more of a newbie
Reply:Here ya go.

Using Dev-C++ (The compiler that you use aswell)

I have coded a simple Hello World program for you

and even added some comments on what-does-what.

(Also, you want to make a new source file.)

//Pre-Processor directives

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;conio.h%26gt; // for getch();

//Specified namespace

using namespace std;

int main()


//Cout object

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Hello world";

//Get keyboard input.




- Void
Reply:The problem is that your IDE runs the program and closes it before you can see it.. there should be an option to not have it do that... or you can put a breakpoint in the program and have the debugger stop at that point... or... you can open a command window and execute the program from there... (probably the best option)... although the batch idea issued before isn't a bad option either...

Sos C programing assigments?

C programing .Software Turbo c ver. 2

Write a program that will find the smallest ,largest and average values in a collection of N numbers .Get the value of N before scanning each value in the collection numbers

Its my assigment due in 1 week time

Sos C programing assigments?
Are you asking us to do ALL your homework for you?

Where can i get the c programming source codes to learn this?

i am writing a project on 'data recovery from a crashed hard disk.' i intend to use c programming software but i need to get the c programming source codes for an already written data recovery software to learn from.

Where can i get the c programming source codes to learn this?
please see this link
Reply:try using google codesearch

song words


C programing software : Turbo c Ver. 2 Borland

Write a program thet accepts any number from the keyboard and tells you whether it is a non negative interger .the number should be sent to the function int_test (),which returns either value or -1 if the number is negative / zero .If it is non negative but not an interger .Inputs should continue until a zero is input

Function and variable


input from keyboard

interger Return from function

Int _test()

value from main()

result Value to return


Your number:48

The number is :48

Your number :-14.3

The number is negative

Your number :12.345

The number is not an interger

Your number :0

My assigment due in 1 week time

Are you asking us to do ALL your homework for you?

C programing help?

C programing Software : Turbo C ver.2 Borland

Write a program that accepts any number of value (up to100) from the terminal and sorts them in decending order (highest number first ).USe some alpha character ,such as q to end input.


Choose appropriate variables


Input numbers,








Here they are in descending order

92 41 27 0.007 -0.007 -116

My assigment due in 1 week

C programing help?
Here is the code for a Selection Sort. That's the main part of the program. You should be able to do the rest pretty easily.

void selectionSort(int numbers[], int array_size)


int i, j;

int min, temp;

for (i = 0; i %26lt; array_size-1; i++)


min = i;

for (j = i+1; j %26lt; array_size; j++)


if (numbers[j] %26lt; numbers[min])

min = j;


temp = numbers[i];

numbers[i] = numbers[min];

numbers[min] = temp;


Reply:Stand up on your own legs, if not in your life yo have to suffer, now you have one week of time to do you home work, just open google and type "sorting program in c" by this you can get list of program or list ideas by that experiment them on you system if you have c configered in you system see the result by this you some satisfaction that wore one programm.

here is example program for you but understand it and try it dont just submit it as your home work.
Reply:Are you asking us to do your homework for you???

P.C shut down problem?. Plz Help?

Hi Guys.I have windows Xp installed on my P.C. The problem is that whenver I try to turnoff my P.C,It restarts instead of shutting down. I also installed a P.C shutdown software and re-installed XP as well....but still the problem prevails....can any body plz help me out?

P.C shut down problem?. Plz Help?
Solution-1: It sounds like your computer had a virus most probably RONTOKBRO or BRONTOKBRO this is the virus which cannot allow to run exe files. When ever you run exe file, it restarts. Try run regedit if your computer restarts it means that your computer must have this virus.

Solution-2: Try to change the Power Supply, May be it doesnt compatible with your motherboard
Reply:go to ur father
Reply:Why dont you trunoff your pc by pressing the button at your CPU instead of Start%26gt;Turn off computer?

P.s dont hold that button long. just press once will do.
Reply:i do not know anything about this problem,but i hope it can help you:

If when you shut down the computer it restart again, you can turn off the operation booting. It will will remove all of electricity power from your computer.Next, you must take your computer to a mechanic or someone that can repairs your computer.

I hope that helps.
Reply:I dont want to insult you but when you shut down, do you press the turn off or restart, or do you ctrl+alt+del, you should just use turn off icon.

If thats all ok, it could be malware or a virius, download and install a program called adware ( with all the update- its all free Run it and look for anything bad and get rid of it.

Good Luck
Reply:Check your Power connections , it happens on my pc when there is no power supply i.e. it is running on UPS,.

10+ yrs in telecom engineer, want to change career to software dev .NET. Is MCAD certified enough for .NET job

I graduated years back as a CS Engineer with lot of courses (C++, Java) as software design background. Start career as a Telecom Engineer with moderate coding involvement, but gradually shifted to zero coding. I would like to get back to software development and possible change career to IT instead of staying in Telecom. I did started taking some Microsoft development courses, and will try to have MCAD/MSCD certification. I'm kinda wondering, just a certification without an IT experiences will be enough to land me a job in VB/C# .NET software development world?

10+ yrs in telecom engineer, want to change career to software dev .NET. Is MCAD certified enough for .NET job
Microsoft recommends that you have a certain period of experience in .NET before getting certified. However, you can get certified without the actual experience.

As for getting hired, that depends on the organisation and your level of knowledge.

I do not recommend that you take the last exam: Analysing requirements(I think its 70-300 as I recall ) before you work in development in a software company for at least 2 years. Stick with the MCAD for the time being.

Hope this helps

Please forward to anyone you think might be interested.. Tnx.. For posting please view the site.. Tnx.. Report It

Reply:Its more than enough. Try to focus more on C# since thats the language of choice most companies are looking for in .NET these days.

song titles

Which software to use for java programming?

like turboc++ for c++.. which software for java

Which software to use for java programming?
To create a Java program u need an editor/IDE. There are a good numbers of them.

1. Netbeans

U can download it free from

2. JCreator 3.50 LE

U can download it free from

3. Eclipse

U can download it free from

4. JBuilder

U can buy the CD.

To run Java program u need Java Development Kit(jdk). The latest version of jdk is jdk 1.6

U can download it free from

U can also download jdk 1.6 documentation free from

To learn Java u can download the Java Tutorial free from
Reply:Net Beans or Java Eclipse.

Both are free, and if you want lots of detailed documentation check: :)
Reply:Start with this,

and this,

then include this,
Reply:visual J++
Reply:There are many that you can use. I like netbeans which you can get directly from Sun because it has all the functionality of other programs but its free

What software/hardware do I need to program a PIC microcontroller?

I need to program a chip to do a very simple task. When the chip receives a logic high signal, I need it to begin doing pulse width modulation, starting with a 0% duty cycle and then linearly increasing the duty cycle over a period of time.

My questions are:

A) What type of PIC I should purchase?

B) What type of programmer do I need (I'm running Vista ... but I have access to XP)?

C) What software do I need to use with the programmer?

The goal is to build a circuit where I can push an on button, and have two LEDs slowly get brighter and brighter over the course of a few minutes. If you have any general suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Thank you!

What software/hardware do I need to program a PIC microcontroller?
I'm not sure that you can perform pulse width modulation starting with a 0% duty cycle. Also, you may want to increase the duty cycle parabolicly rather than linearly... just a thought...

Converting a program from C++ to C?

Basically I have a C++ program that I am trying to convert into C. I have no knowledge of C but from what I have gathered on the internet I have made a few changes to my program. However, I am assuming that my program does not compile with C. Therein lies my other issue; I am using a windows XP operating device with a C++ developer software, but I have no compiler for C.

Does anyone know where I could find a compiler for C so that I can check my code and make sure it compiles correctly?

Also, in Additional Details I will provide my program and if you can spot anything that would utterly fail in C, please let me know. Any advice and help is greatly appreciated.

Converting a program from C++ to C?
You assume incorrectly. There is nothing in the code posted here that needs to be converted. There a couple of omissions through.

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

double convertTemp(double);

void printDate(char []);

int main()


const int SIZE = 10; /*change this to whatever*/

char type[SIZE];

double sum = 0;

int count = 0;

double test = 0;

double temp[SIZE]; /*fill in before calling convert */

char date[12]; /*fill in before you print*/




double convertTemp(double temperature)


double celsius = 0;

celsius = (5.0/9)*(temperature-32);

return celsius;


void printDate(char date[])


printf("%s\n", date); /*print statement */

Reply:If you have C++ code and a C++ compiler...why not just keep it as C++?
Reply:Your code will compile and run in standard C except that it won't do anything useful :-P

Good free C compilers:

MinGW -

Pelles C -

Open Watcom -
Reply:I attached a link for a c compiler. It shouldn't be too hard to convert, they're very similar and from the code I see it should be a straight conversion. You may have to change a few things. functions are declared a little differently in C (but very similar). Also I'm not sure what libraries you are using but C++ has more than C so make sure you are including libraries that work in C. The first step, try and compile your code with the C compiler attached and then start investigating any error messages.

My cd drive doesnt read the soft are c.ds?

Hi, i mave a combo c.d drive samsung, amd when i play software c.d it doesnt pay however it may play later after a while, if i open the d drive from my comp it shows blank, any brainy dude help me in settings...............?

My cd drive doesnt read the soft are c.ds?
maybe it's because that specific cd is a little scratched or something. if autorun is enabled you shouldn't have any problems of that sort.

song downloads

My cd drive doesnt read the soft are c.ds?

Hi, i Have a combo c.d drive samsung, and when i play software c.d it doesnt pay however it may play later after a while, if i open the d drive from my comp it shows blank, any brainy dude help me in settings...............?

My cd drive doesnt read the soft are c.ds?
If you have XP use the window key and r -type run.exe and it should start your drive.........If you dont have xp do the start menu and run and type run.exe- If not here is a great site with full detail on how to check your drive-It has digrams for you to follow...........

Explain the importance of the following common types of software?

explain the importance of the following common types of software with examples

(a) web browsing software

(b) presentation software

(c) desktop publishing software

(d) graphics software

(e) multimedia soft ware

Explain the importance of the following common types of software?
1) web browsing software: such as internet explorer ;Browsing internet websites..

2)presentation software: such as powerpoint ; presenting slides for viewing and presentations..

3)desktop publishing software: such as Adobe FrameMaker ; tool for graphic designers and non-designers to create visual communications for professional or desktop printing

4)Graphics Software : such as 3Ds Max; for graphics , 3d and 2d drawings.

5)multimedia software: such as windows media player ; playing music and videos
Reply:google it

Wat type of software should u hve on ur comptR2check4TrojanHorses,Worm... havoc2urComp?

A.anti-Virus software b.drawing software c.spyware removal software d. Virus Protection software

Wat type of software should u hve on ur comptR2check4TrojanHorses,Worm... havoc2urComp?
for a trojan horse, youll want AVG anti-spyware and AVG anti-virus.

So A and C.

When users purchase software, a single-user license agrement permits users to do the following EXCEPT?

a. install the software on only 1 computer

b. rent/lease the software

c. make one copy of the software as backup

d. give/sell the software to another individual if the software is removed from the user's computer first

When users purchase software, a single-user license agrement permits users to do the following EXCEPT?

sending flowers

"Smitfraud-C. Toolbar888" and random IE windows?

I am a webmaster, and I am trying to build my website, but my computer keeps acting weird and seems to be going into random hybernation for no reason in the middle of ANYTHING. I tried to do a scan to see if there was any virus/malware that was causing this, but nothing came up.

When I ran Spybot Search and Destroy, "Smitfraud-C. Toolbar888" came up... for the bazillionth time! What do I do??? Also, random websites just pop up in new windows, and I can't stop them. Even pop-up blockers with by Browser and Google Toolbar can't stop them!

Here is some info that I got from HijackThis (You may find Vista applications listed due to the fact that I downloaded the Vista Transformation package from WindowsX):

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 11:13:27 AM, on 06/05/2007

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16441)

Running processes:








C:\Program Files\FSI\F-Prot\fpavupdm.exe

C:\Program Files\Google\Common\Google Updater\GoogleUpdaterService.exe






C:\Program Files\Max Registry Cleaner\MaxRCSystemTray.exe

C:\Program Files\LClock\LClock.exe

C:\Program Files\VisualTooltip\VisualToolTip.exe

C:\Program Files\Styler\Styler.exe

C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search %26amp; Destroy\TeaTimer.exe

C:\Program Files\Zero Knowledge\Freedom\Freedom.exe


C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\{34960... Start Orb.exe

C:\Program Files\Google\Google Updater\GoogleUpdater.exe


C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\MDLAAK1Y\Windows-KB890...




C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\hijackthis_199\HijackThis.exe

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL =

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL =

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar =

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page =

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentV... Settings,ProxyOverride = localhost

O3 - Toolbar: %26amp;Google - {2318C2B1-4965-11d4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} - c:\program files\google\googletoolbar1.dll

O3 - Toolbar: StylerToolBar - {D2F8F919-690B-4EA2-9FA7-A203D1E04F75} - C:\Program Files\Styler\TB\StylerTB.dll

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [hpsysdrv] c:\windows\system\hpsysdrv.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HotKeysCmds] C:\WINDOWS\System32\hkcmd.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [StorageGuard] "C:\Program Files\VERITAS Software\Update Manager\sgtray.exe" /r


O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [nwiz] nwiz.exe /install

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HPDJ Taskbar Utility] C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\drivers\w32x86...

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [S3TRAY2] S3tray2.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [AlcxMonitor] ALCXMNTR.EXE

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickFinder Scheduler] "C:\Program Files\WordPerfect Office X3\Programs\QFSCHD130.EXE"

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RCAutoLiveUpdate] C:\Program Files\Max Registry Cleaner\MaxLiveUpdateRC.exe -AUTO

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RCSystemTray] C:\Program Files\Max Registry Cleaner\MaxRCSystemTray.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [LClock] C:\Program Files\LClock\LClock.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Vista Sidebar] C:\Program Files\Vista Sidebar\sidebar.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [VisualTooltip] C:\Program Files\VisualTooltip\VisualToolTip.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Blaero Start Orb] C:\Program Files\Blaero Start Orb\Blaero Start Orb.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Styler] C:\Program Files\Styler\Styler.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ApachInc] rundll32.exe "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ppjickkp.dll",reals...

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [MSRegScan] C:\Program Files\CMK Demo\RSCMKDemo.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [j4211039] rundll32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\j4211039.dll sook

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [setup] rundll32.exe "C:\WINDOWS\system32\nyfblbrr.dll",reals...

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [SpybotSD TeaTimer] C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search %26amp; Destroy\TeaTimer.exe

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Zero Knowledge Freedom] C:\Program Files\Zero Knowledge\Freedom\Freedom.exe

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [swg] C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\Googl...

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [MSMSGS] "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe

O4 - Startup: Adobe Gamma.lnk = C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Calibration\Adobe Gamma Loader.exe

O4 - Startup: Vista sidebar.lnk = C:\Program Files\Vista Sidebar\sidebar.exe

O4 - Global Startup: Adobe Reader Speed Launch.lnk = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\reader_sl.exe

O4 - Global Startup: Adobe Reader Synchronizer.lnk = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AdobeCollabSync.exe

O4 - Global Startup: Google Updater.lnk = C:\Program Files\Google\Google Updater\GoogleUpdater.exe

O4 - Global Startup: hp center UI.lnk = C:\Program Files\hp center\137903\Shadow\ShadowBar.exe

O4 - Global Startup: Microsoft Office.lnk = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\OSA.EXE

O4 - Global Startup: QuickBooks Update Agent.lnk = C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks\QBUpdate\qbupdat...

O4 - Global Startup: Quicken Scheduled Updates.lnk = C:\Program Files\Quicken\bagent.exe

O8 - Extra context menu item: E%26amp;xport to Microsoft Excel - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Office10\EXCE...

O8 - Extra context menu item: Open with WordPerfect - C:\Program Files\WordPerfect Office X3\Programs\WPLauncher.hta

O9 - Extra button: Research - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\OFFICE11\REFIEBAR.D...

O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe

O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe

O11 - Options group: [INTERNATIONAL] International*

O12 - Plugin for .spop: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Plugins\NPDocBox.dll

O16 - DPF: {56336BCB-3D8A-11D6-A00B-0050DA18DE71} -

O16 - DPF: {644E432F-49D3-41A1-8DD5-E099162EEEC5} (Symantec RuFSI Utility Class) -

O16 - DPF: {6E32070A-766D-4EE6-879C-DC1FA91D2FC3} (MUWebControl Class) -

O16 - DPF: {9A9307A0-7DA4-4DAF-B042-5009F29E09E1} (ActiveScan Installer Class) -

O16 - DPF: {FD0B6769-6490-4A91-AA0A-B5AE0DC75AC9} (Performance Viewer Activex Control) -

O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{BDB36... NameServer =

O23 - Service: Adobe LM Service - Adobe Systems - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe Systems Shared\Service\Adobelmsvc.exe

O23 - Service: F-Prot Antivirus Update Monitor - FRISK Software - C:\Program Files\FSI\F-Prot\fpavupdm.exe

O23 - Service: Google Updater Service (gusvc) - Google - C:\Program Files\Google\Common\Google Updater\GoogleUpdaterService.exe

O23 - Service: NVIDIA Driver Helper Service (NVSvc) - NVIDIA Corporation - C:\WINDOWS\System32\nvsvc32.exe

O23 - Service: ProtexisLicensing - Unknown owner - C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSIService.exe

P.S. This is a shared work-related computer on a network, so I don't know what all may be listed above or downloaded on here that may not be "good," ya know?

Thanks for any help!

"Smitfraud-C. Toolbar888" and random IE windows?
Hey, I hope I can help. It kind of depends on what you've already tried, but here is what I would do (my first step):

Then read forums about what people did. I would compare my services to their services, see what matches, and then search those fishy services to see if there's some kind of alert for it. There's that pretty much lists all possible processes that you can check. It's kind of fun to see what everything is and by canceling non-esential ones at startup you might notice better performance anyway.

Hopefully you've already fixed this problem, but, after trying some stuff on google and letting me know what you've tried, I'd be glad to help.
Reply:get this.

Reboot in to safe mode and run it. it will remove SmitFraud.

Use this URL to download the latest version (the file contains both English and French versions):

Mirrors: Alternate official download locations for

Where can I download c++???????? pls help?

Hello, I am new to c++ field. I am a beginner.pls give me the

direct links to download c and c++ softwares.

Pls don't tell like that. I am confusing wht to

download.give me the direct links.

Is it necessary to learn c b4 c++ ?


Where can I download c++???????? pls help?
C++? I bought it. Many years ago. I could dig it out of storage and rip it into an *.iso, then upload it and give you the link. But first, i'd really have to examine my motivations for doing so.
Reply:C++ is Preinstalled on your computer. Try Searching it in your Computer Search engine and it should find it.
Reply:If you have windows: Download Microsoft Visual Studio ( ) or go to and download their shell and select g++ in the install options (this is advanced, I would stick with visual studio).

If you have *nix then it is probably already there, try commands like g++ or CC or gcc or aCC (depends on whether it is solaris, hpux, linux, aix or another).
Reply:Go to Microsoft's web site and go to downloads or do a search for "C++ software" they have C++ programming software available for free.

Then check out this site for C++ programming instructions:
Reply:Here's a great, free C++ compiler. I don't think it's necessary to learn C before C++. Because, basically C++ is C, only with a few extra operators--and it's easier just to learn them first time around instead of adding them in later. C++ is a fun language. Good luck!
Reply:You can get an adequate list of C++ compilers here:

Do *not* use bloodshed, despite that so many novices here recommend it; despite being built on top of GCC, which is a fine compiler, there are extensive faults in bloodshed's lnkscript and its implementation of newlib in crtbegin/crtend.

For windows, MS Visual Studio 2k5 Express, Borland C++ Builder, GCC and ICC are good, free choices. MSVS2k5e has an excellent IDE and a first-class debugger; it is probably the best choice for a new Windows programmer. Ignore any dufuses making claims about language compliance problems; they've virtually all been resolved.

For unix, the compiler of choice is usually the compiler which is pre-installed (which in most cases is GCC.) However, under specific situations it can be advantageous to track something different down.

As far as learning C before C++, not only is it unnessecary, it's a bad idea. Novices will tell you that C++ is a newer version of C; this is patently false. Though most C code is valid in C++ (there are exceptions,) the "appropriate" approach to a given problem is frequently completely different in one language than in the other; learning C first will teach you all sorts of bad habits like pointless typecasting, null pointer use, avoiding RAII, all sorts of bad stuff.

Start with the book "Accelerated C++," which will be available at any good bookstore or library; if you're feeling generous, hook me up on my Amazon Affiliate link, .

Where can I download c++???????? pls help?

Hello, I am new to c++ field. I am a beginner.pls give me the

direct links to download c and c++ softwares.

Pls don't tell like that. I am confusing wht to

download.give me the direct links.

Is it necessary to learn c b4 c++ ?


Where can I download c++???????? pls help?
Before you learn C++, you have to learn how to type properly. Not with your elbows, with your hands.
Reply:no you dont need to learn c before c++.

c++ is just the better version of c.

visual studios by microsoft is a good learning tool.
Reply:in case you are serious pm me i will send u completer tutorial and software to learn along with compliled / source code programs
Reply:its not necessary to learn C before C++

u can find what you're looking for at sorry about not wanting to get a direct link
Reply:You can download the GNU compiler collection free from - it's open source and has compilers for both C and C++. You don't have to learn C first, but it doesn't hurt.

I have got a software job in one of the big companies in India.I got thru by campus selection.I know only C?

language. Shud i learn other languages or during training time they will teach me?

I have got a software job in one of the big companies in India.I got thru by campus selection.I know only C?
Since you are selected on the basis of 'C' language then primarily your job should involve working on that. Learning just anyother language would be a waste of time, money and effort. Instead you shd talk to the HR folks or your Hiring Manager about the current technical requirements involved for the project you are hired for. Technically speaking People prefer to learn C++ also but as i said its more dependent on the project you are hired for so no sense in wandering here and there. About trainings, if there is specific thing which the company wants you to learn they normally help in that by conducting training sessions and all. So dont worry and be in touch with the concerned people of your company. Good Luck
Reply:You should ask at the interview
Reply:if you got a job like that i would suggest learning other languages as well so that it gives you that extra power when or if you decide to progress up the ladder

send flowers

Hi i am software engineer i got oman company how salary i will ask i have 4 years exp my id b.suresh81@yahoo.c

sorry i can not help you

In my system i got virus worm in c drive as well as in Edrive can directly remove. i hav AVG Free software.pls

Then remove it with avg.

After you do then run a disk check. Go to my computer right click on your main hard drive, select properties, tools, disk check and check both boxes.

then click okay.

It will then tell you that it can't start until you restart your pc.

So restart and let it run...

screw mac.

In my system i got virus worm in c drive as well as in Edrive can directly remove. i hav AVG Free software.pls

Is there any way i can use my/ find software for my nokia n80 using it as a webacam for my p.c?!?

There isn't any

Is there any way i can use my/ find software for my nokia n80 using it as a webacam for my p.c?!?
yes, Mobiola Webcam is the software for that.

here is the link

Can i install an entire software such as money 2006 on a external drive with none of it on the c. drive?

YES, depite what every else is saying, you can put most programs, like Money 2006, on an external drive and not have any files go to the C:/ drive. I have my games all on one drive and none of the install files are on C:/..

Good luck.

You cant put antivirus, spam and other programs like that on an external drive, but the specific program requires C:/ resources to run the program.

Can i install an entire software such as money 2006 on a external drive with none of it on the c. drive?
The comments above mine are accurate in stating that C: drive will get some files, specifically .dll and registry files. If you are simply asking about installing it on an external drive to free up C: drive, that is no problem! But if you plug in the drive to another PC it will be missing some relevent files that are on C: drive.

As for Money integrates itself into windows and other ms office products, so this program is guaranteed to place files on C: drive
Reply:Almost. As most programs will add some entries into the registry and possible put a dll into the system32 folder, you usually only get 99% of it on the external drive. If you were to take that drive to a different PC and plug it in, the program probably would not work. They do that to keep you from pirating software by installing it on dozens of external drives.

But the only way to know for sure is to try it. Some do, and some don't.
Reply:No.....most application have to install some files to the c: drive, even if it is only to ur c:\windows directory. But you can install everything else to a portable drive and it will work perfectly, but only on that computer.


I have a software that burns a DVD on to a disc and i can play it on a p.c but not my home DVD player why?

A lot of older CD/DVD players can't read or don't recognize a burned CD/DVD. Different technology.

I have a software that burns a DVD on to a disc and i can play it on a p.c but not my home DVD player why?
There are different formats of dvd -R, +R, -RW, +RW. Some DVD players can only handle certaind dvd media. So you may just need to use a different type of DVD

Look up your DVD player at and it should tell you what it can handle
Reply:check to make sure u have not protected it if so it will only allow you to play it on your computer then check your disc format for your dvd player if + or - then copy film to that format.
Reply:it has to be made compatible,to be able to play on any DVD player

If will get the job in software company what kind of jobs i 'll get to perform .i have done c++.?

Obviously not spell checking or grammar checking.

If will get the job in software company what kind of jobs i 'll get to perform .i have done c++.?
It'd depend on what company you work for. If you work for a company that specialized in computer security, then you'll need to make programs that are secure and hard to hack/modify. If you get a job at an average office setting, then you may just upgrade their databases or something.

Look around on and see what kind of places in your area are hiring people with C++ skills, and they'll also provide you with a list of activities you'll have to perform at the job.
Reply:C++ programmer is usually work as game programmer, core programmer or some programming task that need direct controlling to some hardware function.
Reply:you as a single programmer can't do any thing when you are employed in a company you work in team of programmer

such as

the programming is divided into

a-system developer

b-application developer

c-multimedia(all the media including and gaming also)

so first decide where you want to go then

you will be getting among

1- team who visualize or thing upon the software

2- team who see the practical and logical aspect of the program(as the software)

3 -team who build ,or developer ,architecture of software

4- team who check the software ,how is it working any mistake ,will it work in markets or not or will satisfy the client who have ask for this software

so the team..............

changes according to different companies and job ,see

weather you can visualize or write codes or check better

it's fully depends on you................bye

How do i work with the crossftp software? i jus want to transfer files to a macbook from my p.c. help?

can anyone suggest an alternate s/w to transfer files in between systems using windows xp and os x respectively

How do i work with the crossftp software? i jus want to transfer files to a macbook from my p.c. help?
If you're on the same network, you should be able to file share easily. Use sftp if you're going over the internet. If it's too complicated for you, you could burn a cd of the files you need.

This isn't a good forum for questions that require follow-ups. Since you've got a Mac, I suggest posting your question on the forums at:

There are lots of people there who can help, and you can communicate better on the site.

I really want to be an excellent software developer.Could somebody tell me what should I do ? Should I learn C

Knowing certain popular programming languages (Java, C++ etc) is only a very small part of being an excellent software developer. They will allow you to get jobs that require use languages. But to be good at this field, you have to know about things like design pattern, software architecture, object oriented programming, design workflow, requirement specification, UML, documentation, user interface. Software engineering is a discipline that encompasses not only coding, but also ways to develop functional software with the least amount of time (not to mention code maintainence). Coders simply get outsourced, software engineer, however, should know how to design things properly. If you don't have programming background then yes, learn a language. I'd suggest Java or C++ and have a good understanding of object oriented programming. Once you know those two the rest is pretty easy to pick up.

I really want to be an excellent software developer.Could somebody tell me what should I do ? Should I learn C
buy a good c++ book start from the beginning and follow all the programing techniques in this language

then move to do more complected thinks

find a project that you want to do for sample an instant messaging software and work around to make this happened.

at the moment you finish you will be better programmer that a Lot of guys that i know
Reply:I have been a developer for 15 years. If you want to be an excellent software developer, I would recommend that you learn SQL (for database queries), C#, and Flash (for graphical web development). These are all very marketable skills, and will take you a long way.
Reply:If you want to be a good Programmer then you must know C at the expert level
Reply:U think C is all enough. u are childhish. u must be a fresher. I'll recommend u might go to any renowned Computer institutions or if u think your B.E or B.Tech is enough, then wait.
Reply:You should learn C in depth, even though you may not get to use it much unless you get into device drivers and OS kernals. It takes you close to the metal - you will learn exactly what makes good code and bad because of that.

C++ is based on C, has the same syntax and capabilities, and generates identical code when writing C-like code. It has a wider range of features (namepsace, objects and so on) and applications. If C++ is on your list anyway, then it is enough to become merely competent in C.

Also learn at least 3 or 4 other languages. Preferably, each should be different from the others. Example- Java, SQL, C++, PHP. Get really good at two of them.

Don't forget the systems and build environments you might use them with. You don't "write code", your develop applications, libraries and tools for specific systems using particular platforms and development software. Omitting any of that knowledge leaves you somewhat crippled.

Also, if you have a particular field in mind (such as GIS, CAD, medical, business or gaming), pick up some domain skills. That is, if you want to do GIS, take a course or two in GIS and cartography. Few things help as much as knowing what it is you are are doing. Stringing lines of code together is one thing, stringing them together - with purpose and understanding - is another.

Make sure your math skills are wide ranging and strong. You rarely will need much beyond high school math (really), but it helps. Most of what you will do is architectural, not mathematical. But once you have to grind some numbers, you had better know the complete ins and outs or your will end up writing code slower and buggier than anything MS ever produced.
Reply:c++ is basic

java is very popular

basically, get your hands on any software development... software
Reply:The answer is embedded in your question. IMHO to be a good software programmer, one must

1. Have a good understanding of atleast one major language, like C/C++/Java

2. Have a good grounding on Object Oriented concepts

3. Learn a couple of scripting languages like Shell/Perl/Python

4. Know the associated tools of the trade like Makefile, Configuration Management etc.

But having said this, the above are necessary but not sufficient to become a good software developer.

Software is mostly a helper discipline for other domains like Mechanical, Electrical etc except for some core areas like OS, Networking etc. Hence if one is able to understand the problem domain that one is trying to solve, and evolve a good software solution to the problem with quality and within time, then that person is a good software developer.
Reply:Get a college degree in Computer Science or Software Engineer. You need to understand algorithms, data structures, software design, data design, numerical methods, statistics, networking protocols, cryptography, etc. You won't learn any of that stuff from a C++ book.
Reply:Use the FREE 'C' compiler, Perl development tools, "Ruby, on Rails" all included in Linux, FREE!

Free tutorials! and search the language you choose. is the livecd with huge list of tools, and has 310 MORE LiveCDroms!
Reply:You should learn a whole range of programming languages if you want to be an _excellent_ software developer, along with a whole bunch of other things about multimedia, web design, databases... the list goes on! Good luck!

Reply:actually this excellent definition is depend upon you.

first decide in which field , my mean, whether in networking programming or system programming or database programming or site developer. its upon you, what you decide learn in that field. bt c and c++ are basic language of all. so its good to have a rigid base.

garden centre

Can u give me ideas on what software projects i could develop? i hav a strong base in java and c++.?

you can develop a web site and also aimage processing soft.

Can u give me ideas on what software projects i could develop? i hav a strong base in java and c++.?
High Priority Free Software Projects:
Reply:it would be very good if you could make a program that would calculate how the world would end and when exactly it will happen
Reply:you know window xp professional is made in C++.the lines of c++ are used 400 u can develop any software.

well i m also interested in C,C++ and hacking.

u can visit my home page

if u like then can contact me.
Reply:Think of ANY program. Now do that! I find it amazing that there are people out there who use computers practically every day and are even learning to program, who in their entire lives haven't had a single idea for a program they could write. Astonishing!

The free space in the c drive in hard disc varies then and there even though no files r software etc added why

Further to the swapfile answer ... your System Restore will also use up disc space ....

Regularly defrag and occasionally dump the System Restore Files (make sure you've enjoyed system stability before dumping though)

The free space in the c drive in hard disc varies then and there even though no files r software etc added why
the pagefile is your most likely culprit in this instance although your internat activity adds everypage you download to your computer so cleaning it out regularly helps in addition to the points mentioned by other users.
Reply:Run scandisk.
Reply:The operating systems frequently use a file (the swapfile) to suplement the ammount of RAM (this procedure is called "Virtual Memory"). The size of the swapfile is never the same and, if the swapfile is located on the "C:" drive, is normal to have less free space when the swapfile is bigger and more freespace when the swapfile is smaller.

I have a D drive and a C drive i cannot access D drive it is blocked by pc angel software how do i access it?

You need to give your parents a good reason you need the D drive, so they would unblock it.

Is microsoft visual C# hard to use because if it i then what is a good games making software?

i have a good game i want to make but has XNA games studio express got an online tutorial to take me though the step of creating my first game

Is microsoft visual C# hard to use because if it i then what is a good games making software?
well, You need EXTREMELY good knowledge of C++ and good mathmatical skills to create a game, if you have that, I would download and install DevCPP (AKA DevC++) It's free also. Easy to find, just search for it.

flower show

Can i run my play station c.d. on my computer.If yes give me the link of the software.?

Yes, you can, I actually plug in my DualShock controller to my laptop and play Crash 3 and Gran Turismo on my laptop when I'm away from my playstation, it works no prob.

This is a link to the official program website. It won't run out of the box, since distributing the system bios and plugins are illegal. Search through eMule or some torrent sites for them. They're not too hard to find.

You can only run PSX Disks though, not PS2.

Can i run my play station c.d. on my computer.If yes give me the link of the software.?
Kevin: according to "Launch Cast Radio given by Yahoo!

you can down load only Itunes upon DvD if yourself has an

CD-Writer/dvd-romcombo also would require512 MB PC2700 DDR SD RamMemory %26amp;120gb 7200Rpm Ultra Dma HardDrive where it mentions 48x32x16x48xMaxSpeed

please check

I m using c/c++ on vista but it not appears on fullscreen mode, what can i do ? if any software plz e@mail me?

vista does not support full screen mode for DOS programs, you should try another compiler or EDI.

I m using c/c++ on vista but it not appears on fullscreen mode, what can i do ? if any software plz e@mail me?
there isn't any software fully compatible with vista. but you should try Dev-C++.
Reply:I'm wearing blue jeans while typing this message but I don't understand the question.
Reply:YA thr is prob wid turboC in vista try dev c++ it works smoothly

or vc++.
Reply:I'm not sure if I'm understanding. Did you program something in C/C++ and the GUI isn't coming up in full screen or are you using some some IDE like Visual C++ and can't get that program to open full screen?

Can any software engg tell me a better program for Image enhacement and Edge prevention using C language?

visual microsoft c++ and for photo {photo shop}

How can I copy drive c to another hardisk to make ir bootable without using third party software?

If you have a Maxtor or a WD hard drive, go to their web site. They have a tool you can download for free (but only works on their drives as the target drive) that will do what you want.

It's basically the same tool, but setup to work for only that company.

How can I copy drive c to another hardisk to make ir bootable without using third party software?
You must copy all the information on it, all the register keys that have direct connections with this driver, restablish the connection in the registry with the new driver where you want to copy and then configure your bootini file so it can boot on that partition. Are you sure you want to do this on your own?
Reply:you r in luck what you need acronis true image you can do a search on acronis true image and get it,what it dos is that makes a image of your hardisk thin copy to the new hardisk and u r done its bootable after u have done all that just put the new drive and Go,

phone cards

Yo!I have a normal bog-standard Dell p.c from 2003. Can I watch tv on it? What hard/software do i need? Peace.

you will need a tv tuner. i have seen them on ebay for about £30 USB ones.

you will get all the software with it.

Yo!I have a normal bog-standard Dell p.c from 2003. Can I watch tv on it? What hard/software do i need? Peace.
Happauge Nova-TD is a USB dual freeview tuner. Software wise it comes with some but think of it getting started software as you can get better software codec wise purevideo (nvidia) is one of the better quality codec. for MCE functions you've got the likes of media portal or GB-PVR. Which gives you alot of functions for TV, DVD videos etc etc.

If you can fit a full size PCI card then the nova-t 500 be better but otherwise the top one will do everything that 500 does.

I want to accellerate videos in internet b/c my internet is very slow please tell suggest me a software?

or give me the adress

I want to accellerate videos in internet b/c my internet is very slow please tell suggest me a software?
NO program can make a slow internet connection faster.

Pay for a better connection, or live with it I'm afraid.
Reply:Download "Google Web Accelerator". It will comparitively increase the speed.
Reply:donwload speedbit accelerator from and it will speed up most videos like youtube dailymotion etc

Reply:First you should have a broadband connection then upgrade your video card and Ram this will make it seem like a totally new computer

I purchased a delstar mp4 player and I have Vista software on my computer, I purchased songs from Itune, but c

I have given my computer security permission to allow access to this devise, but i cannot get the files to load

help please

I purchased a delstar mp4 player and I have Vista software on my computer, I purchased songs from Itune, but c
Songs purchased in itunes are protected aac. Your delstar probably doesnt play aac songs since pretty much only ipods do.

Change the default in itunes from aac to mp3. You can do this by going to edit/preferences/advanced/import.

After changing this make playlists of your purchased itunes songs no more that 1.2 hours long. Burn those songs to a disc and without taking that disc out of the computer reimport back into itunes. If you take the cd out and put it back in you will lose all the songs info.

If you changed the default then when you import those songs back into itunes it will be in the unprotected mp3 format and usable on pretty much any program out there.

I Lost My C.D For My Camera And I Need Help Downloading A New Software For A Polariod a 520?

you should be abel to down load from the internet, type camera name and number. good lucl

I Lost My C.D For My Camera And I Need Help Downloading A New Software For A Polariod a 520?
plug it in usb port and a window will pop up and then cut and paste to ur hard drive

no need for software


I have completed M.Sc(microbiology).i learned c,c++ in i wanna do job/get settled in software?

feild .so what computer courses should i learn.plz tell me courses that can be completed in short time ang get me good job.i have alredy ask this question,i didn't get satisfactory answers.i feel happy if u suggest me good courses ..i join fast...without wasting my time anymore...thank u ....

I have completed M.Sc(microbiology).i learned c,c++ in i wanna do job/get settled in software?
great jobb there...

now the fun begins..

if I could suggest something really useful how about getting into the transportation industry...

We are in dire need of better dispatching and routing proceedures...

As an over the road trucker I am looking for a system that I can bid on truck loads and keep my records...

if you like to discuss this with me I am available...

Best wishes


Hi, studying software development. Just wondering how can you get help on studying the C++ Computer language.?

I hate to admit it but I learned most of my C++ from C++ for dummies. it sounds stupid, but it gives a lot of logic. If you're really serious about it take a C++ class from a college. you can pay around 400-600 out of pocket for C++ 101 and it'll teach you a lot. but don't be supprised if you don't make much money with C++. I've taken 4 C++ classes and have a networking major with a programming and web development minor. There are not many good paying jobs for C++ alone, you need to know VB .net and several others.

Hi, studying software development. Just wondering how can you get help on studying the C++ Computer language.?
Reply:i would advise you stop learning c++ computer language and start on learning c+ language as this is the future of programing within computers and there are more things to buy regarding the language
Reply:u can use it is very good


they r very good

and i've studied c++ it is gr8 language bt now the visual langauges r better than it , and u may find Java too is easier than c++ beside it is offer u many advantages after that.
Reply:Check this site,

If you need ebooks, then search C++, in
Reply:I'm going to agree with the previous poster.

Those "For Dummies" books really are good.
Reply:you can start here

While installing a software in say d drive what all files get saved in c drive and why?

Even when you install some programs in other drive, say D, it saves the startup links and some dll's in your OS drive (Normally C:\Program files and / or in windows sub directories) for the application to run / start / show up in the menu (Program Menu) / desktop shortcuts etc.

While installing a software in say d drive what all files get saved in c drive and why?
Err... depends on the software your installing. And the options you choose in the installation process,

Some softwares require that you install them in the same drive as windows. Most can be installed in any drive. But some save their history files in C:, eg. Microsoft reader saves its History in My documents.

I am BE E&C with 9 yrs work exp Comp Eng. Can learn any software quickly - want to work from home 3-4 hrs-how?

Try some of these sites:





Hope that helps.

I am BE E%26amp;C with 9 yrs work exp Comp Eng. Can learn any software quickly - want to work from home 3-4 hrs-how?
There are a lot of things that you can do to work from home, especially with your background. You can design websites, be a webmaster, or try your hand at the many affliliate programs such as online surveys and paid-to-read programs. I have found that social networking is a very popular and successful method to make new friends, advance your career, and find wonderful proven, paying programs online.
Reply:You may join at freelance programmer websites like

flash cards

Is there a software package that will copy all programs and files off my C drive and onto a larger hard drive?

My current drive is near capaicity and I need to purchase and install a larger hard drive

Is there a software package that will copy all programs and files off my C drive and onto a larger hard drive?
Purchase your new hard drive. Install it as a master drive and install your OS on it. Install your old drive as a slave drive and then you can copy from it onto the new drive your old files. You'll need all program disc to reinstall programs. You cannot move program file folder from drive to drive. Lots of files needed are installed in Windows System directory.
Reply:Drive Image Pro

Norton Ghost 10.0
Reply:Hello dear

you can install one of the Imaging drive soft wares and get an image from your hard copy it on CD or DVD . also you can increase your hard PC capacity without losing information .

Good luck
Reply:hey if u are using windows xp then u can transfer ur softwares frm add and remove files and transfer other files from start%26gt;Accesories%26gt;system tools%26gt;files and settings transfer wizard
Reply:purchase and install a larger hard drive then click on the (c) to open it then your new hard drive will be known as (d) the files you want to move to the new (d) right click them hold down the mous then move the mouse with the files to the (d) thats your new hard drive then let the nouse go a box will pop up asking you if you want to coppy or move or short cut click on move then your free up space on the (c) donot move any windows system files to the back up hard drive or you will have windows problems

I am a software engg ,but i am not good at apti neither logic,c programming,what should i do?

Go for classes to improve urself.

There are a lot of classes out there,

%26amp; you'll find one which suits you just fine.

I am a software engg ,but i am not good at apti neither logic,c programming,what should i do?
u have taken engg. i think thats a wrong decision by u, i am not saying u r foolish or dont have brain, but i think it would be better if u dont go in this field , after grad u should apply for bank paper or many other options r available to u. everyone is special in some field or the other , by now u must have understood that, engg is not meant for u, u r special in some other field which hasnt been recognised by u till now, u will find it some day, so best of luck , mind it u r not the 1st to commit that mistake, so best of luck for the fututre.
Reply:Remember that there is no such thing as "intrinsic motivation". Identify the problem before finding out the solution.

flower girl

Friday, May 21, 2010

What is disk defragmenter?if i defragment my c\;disk will i lost my importent data or software etc?

Here's a quote from The Elder Geek site:

"As advanced as hard drives have become, one item they are not very good at is housekeeping, or maybe that should be drive keeping. When files are created, deleted, or modified it's almost a certainty they will become fragmented. Fragmented simply means the file is not stored in one place in its entirety, or what computer folks like to call a contiguous location. Different parts of the file are scattered across the hard disk in noncontiguous pieces. The more fragmented files there are on a drive, the more performance and reliability suffer as the drive heads have to search for all the pieces in different locations. The Disk Defragmenter Utility is designed to reorganize noncontiguous files into contiguous files and optimize their placement on the hard drive for increased reliability and performance."

To keep your machine running ship-shape, it's always a good idea to delete temporary files, internet cache and uninstall unused programs then defragment your drive(s).

Follow the Geek's instructions.

What is disk defragmenter?if i defragment my c\;disk will i lost my importent data or software etc?
disk defragmenter beasically rearranges the files on your hard drive to have your system work more efficiently. Not your files that you have saved but other documents that may not be as obvious to you. It does not delete documents.

It does take about 30 minutes to run.
Reply:Sometimes when you install a program or create a data file, the file ends up chopped up into chunks and stored in multiple locations on the disk. This is called fragmentation.

There's a simple solution to file fragmentation: use Windows Disk Defragmenter (Start –%26gt; Programs –%26gt; Accessories –%26gt; System Tools –%26gt; Disk Defragmenter). This utility, commonly called Defrag, gathers all the scattered file fragments and writes them into adjacent clusters, so each file occupies a contiguous section of the disk.

Defrag works by moving slabs of data to unused parts of the disk, in order to open up a large free section of space. It then assembles the fragmented parts of a file and writes them in one complete piece to the cleared space; it then does the same with the next file; and so on until the entire disk is defragmented.

You will not lose any data by defragmenting your Data. So don't be afraid of these myths.

To know more about Disk Defragmentation check the link in source.
Reply:No, you won't 'lose' any important data or software ... the 'defragmenter' simply 'rearranges everything' so that it's easier and faster to 'find it' when it is looking for it. You should 'defragment' your hard drive (your C disk) at least once every week ... but use the 'disk clean up' first and be prepared to have the first defrag take a full day if you've never done this before.
Reply:I can't believe I actually know this, since I don't think I'm much of a computer geek.

Disk defragment will not erase any data. Disk defrag is more of a "organization" of your computer. It puts all the files and pieces of files back together so that your computer will run more efficiently. :) Hope this helps.

C) List and describe the documents associated with the testing phase of software development?

Simple, these are your test cases which you should have written up during the planning and design phase. Each test case will test a particular functionality in the end system, what is the expected output given input, testing for validity and range checking of values etc.

Another component is usually things like testing procedures, how to test, regression testing documentation, unit testing documentation, in-process and internal audits etc.

The idea is that the documents will show what tests need to be done, how they were done, the expected outputs of the tests and if those are in line with business expectations.

Hope this information helps!

Is there any free downloadable software where i can watch cable tv on my p c?

You need HARDWARE, not software, to get the signal into your computer.

Is there any free downloadable software where i can watch cable tv on my p c?
No, Consult your Hardware Shop to add TV Tuner Card in ur computer
Reply:There's various websites you can watch cable TV, such as:

Reply:unless you have hardware that lets you watch cable tv and has a cable plug in, no you cant watch tv on your tv

This is krishna i have complete M.C.A 2005 , i would like to join the ERP software which is the better to me?

in the ERP module which is the better to me i mean either in SAP side or Oracle side plz give the solution to me

This is krishna i have complete M.C.A 2005 , i would like to join the ERP software which is the better to me?
What is the best ERP system ?



PeopleSoft (now part of Oracle)

Baan (now part of SSA)

JD Edwards (now part of Oracle)

Siebel (now part of Oracle)


All those system are very good systems.

The best ERP system is the one that covers the needs of the customer, with the lowest costs... There is no clear winner yet.

You should have a look to Yahoo or Google Finance.

Search for the Symbol ORCL. You will have a much better view of the market.

Where can you find a SAP Training in India


India SAP India Pvt Ltd

Thapar Niketan

7/4 Brunton Road

Bangalore 560 025


Tel: (91) 80 25593554 / 41365669 / 41365670

Fax: (91) 80 25095888


SAP Education

Education Partners


Contact Details

India Siemens Information Systems Limited

5-9-19, 5th Floor

Lakshmi Narsinh Estate

Saifabad, OPP AP Secretariat

Hyderabad - 500004

Tel: (91) 40 23482800/1/2

Fax: (91) 40 23482804

Contact Person: Ms. Radhika Mahesh


Genovate Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

A Wing,First Floor

Phoenix House,Senapati Bapat Marg

Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013

Tel: (91) 22 24901839/ 24982754/ 24901824/ 24981236

Contact Person: Mr.Krishnan / Mr. Fabian


or E-mail:

Siemens Information Systems Limited

1st Floor, VIPPS Centre

2, Local Commercial Complex, Masjid Moth

Greater Kailash - 2 New Delhi - 110048

Tel: (91) 11 299220694/29220695/29220696/ 29220697/29221248/29216047/29221247

Fax: (91) 11 29214685

Contact Person: Ms.Rochika Bhatia


Siemens Information Systems Limited

5th Floor, 144, Mahatma Gandhi Road

Nungambakkam Chennai - 600034

Tel: (91) 44 28334360/28334361/28334362

Fax: (91) 44 28331844

Contact Person: Ms.Sangeeta Arora


Siemens Information Systems Limited

43, Shantipally

E.M. Bypass. Rash Behari Connector

Kolkata - 700 042

Tel : (91) 33 24428641-49

Fax: (91) 33 24429930

Contact person : Ms.Debomitra Bose


Siemens Information Systems Limited

206, LOGOS , Ground Floor

The Bible Society Building

M.G Road

Bangalore - 560 001

Tel : (91) 80- 57700001 / 2

Contact persons : Ms. Shubha Ghargi / Prachi Garg


or E-mail:

Genovate Solutions Ahmedabad Pvt. Ltd.

308, 3rd floor, "Aatish",

Nr. Samarpan Flats, Off. C. G. Road,

Gulbai Tekra,

Ahmedabad 380 006

Tel: (91) 79 55315706, 55315707

Fax: (91) 79 55315708

Contact Person: Mr. J. Figueiredo


Genovate Solutions (Cochin) Pvt. Ltd.

1st Floor, E M Commercial Centre,

Kunamthai,Near Milma, Edapally.

Cochin , Kerala - 682 024

Contact Person: Mathews Cherian

Mobile: +91-9847787503

Direct: +91-4843201837


Contact Person: Ramchandran Iyer

Mobile: +91-9847245698

Direct: +91-4843201838

Reply:No doubt now a days SAP is market leader with covring majority of market share. there are vry good propects for SAP and its good if u go for SAP. But also MS have changed its startegy and also leading in ERP field Its Microsoft Dynamics with AX , NV etc product are fabulus working since its easy to implement and better turn over. So by seeing market trend and training availability u see wht u can select.
Reply:i think sap side.

but if u get a more appropriate answer then plz let me know.

Reply:Oracle is more stable.

curse of the golden flower

What is the difference between C,C+ and C#? And what would be the most practical to learn, for software delvel

c -----------old one, structured programming procedural

c++-----------superset of c, object oriented, more features

c#----------object oriented, newest, made by microsoft only can be used microsoft compiler

c++ its in between

What is the difference between C,C+ and C#? And what would be the most practical to learn, for software delvel
I don't know much about these languages but they are just slight variations of the same sort of thing. Once you know one of them, the others will follow fairly quickly. I would start with C if you don't know any already - C# is pretty useful but so are the rest.
Reply:C is the older version. An upgrade from CoBol. CoBol proved to be very antiquated cumbersome and expensive due to the complicated complier. As programming begin to develop to object oriented, what we use today, Cobol became C; C became C++; C++, became C#. Each generation of this progression developed into what is C#, which is completely object oriented programming. Which is the newest generation of programming.
Reply:C isn't related to COBOL. C was derived from B, which was derived from a language called BCPL.

C is a structured procedural programming language. C++ is basically C with object-oriented extensions. C# is a Microsoft implementation of C++ with proprietary extensions, running on a bytecode interpreter.

What you should learn is dependant on what you want to do.
Reply:c and Cobol aren't related.. Cobol and Fortran are..

c is a good place to start though... c++ and c# are normally for even driven things such as windows..

u have things like on event.. or on click(windows) and general things like inheritance etc.

but i would start off with C initially, as C++ is quite daunting.

depends on what sort of environment also, I'm a big fan of Linux for C, that's what I learned with on uni..

but c# and c++ I'm guessing people would want visual C++ etc

you would be easily able to find books on it at the library , esp C as it's an old language and use it as a building block..

if you don't want to go with the Linux environment you could always get a free windows one

also a decent editor like "crimson editor" again free.
Reply:The differences between these dialects of C have been touched on by other responders. In response to the second half of your question, it largely depends on what kind of development you wish to do. C is generally still used for low-level operating system code and hardware drivers. C# is used for a variety of application software, as well as web applications. You will find C or C++ easiest to learn if you have access to a computer running linux, as most linux distributions also package C/C++ tools such as compilers.
Reply:I think c is the original, used in os design, c++ is a modified version that is object based and c# is the microsoft version. I couldn't tell you differences in syntax because I don't know any of them. I would learn either c++ or c#. there is also c# for .net which you could also try.

My p/c won't find my d drive so i can load software, how do i fix this?

check connections

Could software create an "illusion" with WORDS and storylines the way M.C. Escher created optical illusions?

Maybe not what you're looking for, but the opening of Kafka's "The Castle" gives a pretty good feel for what it feel like living inside an M.C. Escher painting.

Could software create an "illusion" with WORDS and storylines the way M.C. Escher created optical illusions?
yes, because the mind will try to make sense in such ways that could create illusions...

Is c language is must those who want to enter in to software profession?

These days i would say download the .NET Enterpise, includes and though personally i wouldnt want to enter the software profession because large software companys produce "crud" software. for instance, if i make somethink, than theirs a problem i get the program to tell the user the exact error so they know whats going on, most software gives some rubish about "runtime 21123132123"... so if you want to code remember solo it that way you can make it how you want... not how your boss wants.


How many of you like C programming language? AND how do I install a VC++ software?

hey dude i like C programming very much

its easy to install VC++ s/w get the CD from someone and install it as any other i am having Visual Studio 6.0

How many of you like C programming language? AND how do I install a VC++ software?
Visual C++ is a member of Microsoft's Visual Studio Family.. The two versions I am using are Visual Studio 6 and Visual

There is not much difference in VC++ in these two versions. SO you can install any of these.

If a softwre is made by c then c must be installed on other computer to run the software?

if the program is completly in c then u don't need any c compiler to run it. the exe file can runned by either clicking at the exe file or by entering the file name in the command line. but if ur program uses graphics like BGI then it should be supported in ur windows. this was the problem faced by me. i had a program that used BGI graphics so it didn't run on my home computer when i tried to run it. so i installed compiler and it ran.

so if ur program is simple text mode then be sure that it will run. remember c is not made for Application. so graphics are not much needed. u can work on text which it will do.

good luck

If a softwre is made by c then c must be installed on other computer to run the software?
i am assuming u mean a c compiler. the answer in no, an exe file built by a c compiler will work on a computer which doesn't have one

.i am looking for a software job.but i have no skills are c,c++,unix & could i get a job.


.i am looking for a software job.but i have no skills are c,c++,unix %26amp; could i get a job.
Start by contributing to some of the GNU or Linux applications or OS's. That will give you working experience and show that you are a self starter. Pick a project that you like and that has a commercial application. Linux is very commercial now. OpenOffice is too. Firefox and Thunderbird are great projects. Take it upon yourself to get some experience.
Reply:why are you not on monster or yahoo hot jobs?
Reply:hi there! though u r having only some skills but, its efficient to get a soft eng. post!but, do u know about ,if don't then sign in then u will get more info !%26amp; do u have the experience ?if u r a fresher then simply prepair aptitude,resoning, like that %26amp; apply to all companies who r recruiting the employees%26amp; write some tests if u get thru it then u will be settled!
Reply:how could you get a job? what does you mean..

What is a software ,i mean to say if i made any programs in c++ is it that...?

can u please give me an idea to increase my knowledge about softwares , how they r programed ..

What is a software ,i mean to say if i made any programs in c++ is it that...?
A program is a set of instructions that a computer follows in order to accomplish a specific task. Basically, a programmer creates a step-by-step series of instructions on how to accomplish a desired task, i.e., like a recipe to prepare food. This set of instructions is called an algorithm. This algorithm indicates what the computer should do in certain situations (conditional statements), and how the flow of program execution should progress. The algorithm is written in plain, human language.

Next, this algorithm is translated into a particular programming language. When someone runs a program, the programming language is finally translated into machine language, whose commands the operating system follows in order to produce an particular outut or result.

Just like people speak in different languages, there are different computer languages. Every language has syntax rules (grammar) and a specific vocabulary—both human and computer. Some languages are better suited for certain types of tasks than others; they are especially optimized to perform various actions.

Whichever programming language that you decide to focus on, I recommend that you work your way through several authoritative books. Study the concepts and examples. Duplicate the examples. In addition, try your own variations. Work out the problems. Write as many programs as possible.

Constantly challenge yourself by not only asking why—but also why not and what if. I would also suggest that you take a course in programming logic, systems analysis, and at least one other programming language.









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Reply:C++ is a type of computer language where you set a whole different bunch of commands that the computer understands so it does a certain task. So yes C++ is one way of writing software. The so called "software" is all those commands already set up so it works and does whatever the programmer(s) meant it to do along with some user friendly interface. C++ uses allot of equations and formulas so it's heavily associated with math.

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