Sunday, August 2, 2009

A M.C.A student how easy to get job in software field as software enigineer?

if u r doing it through a good college, university, then its damm easy.... thru Campus placements :)

jus u need to prepare for the ur subjects ... C C++ databases, operating system, networking....

also jus look for the company details beforehand, their area of work etc,.. and get urself prepared for that.

A M.C.A student how easy to get job in software field as software enigineer?
Sorry buddy, tried to find out but in vain.
Reply:Now a days its very easy. U need to be very good in communication skills though.



What's the software that PC needed if I as a 'C' beginner programmer want to build a simple program?

It depends on the target platform that you want to develop for.

If you want to develop linux applications, gcc is a great c compiler that is free.

If you want a free compiler for windows, I would use Visual Studio 2005 Express edition which is free from Microsoft.

This software and many training videos are available at this site.

What's the software that PC needed if I as a 'C' beginner programmer want to build a simple program?
A 'C' compiler.
Reply:you need a C or C++ compiler. There are several to choose from but they all do the same thing. I personally prefer Borland Turbo C++.
Reply:why c? why dont u try C++ ????.. any way can use Microsoft visual c++ ... it is okay. you have many choices... the 2005 free I think?!
Reply:You need a C compiler. There are seve4ral free ones available. The gnu compiler collection for windows is rated very high. and if you want to target an embedded machine check out Small-C
Reply:I use Microsoft Visio
Reply:This will get you started with C, C++ and/or Objective-C for free.

Have fun.

Does anyone know how I can download and burn a wireless network software onto a cd for another p.c?

If your using win xp you don't need a software coz windows got the zero wireless configuration... every wireless adapter got their own software

Which freeware software is used to edit,run and compile c programming codes.?

to run a c executable, you need an operating system....

to edit c code, you need a text editor or an integrated development environment

To compile it, you need a compiler (GNU c compiler is free)

Which freeware software is used to edit,run and compile c programming codes.?

Will software from the U.S. work in P.C.s in the U.K.?


flash cards

Which software can be used to make games except c++,flash?

gamemaker. Go to this site...

and download the trial version.

Which software is best for removing vocals from a c.d.,or mp3 track?

Ive tried about all of them. none work well enough to use. why not just download the CD+g trax %26amp; only use the MP3 side?

flower girl

Looking for Canon Digital IXUS 50 baterry charger and Software and connectio n kit to P C.?

Where I can place the order with the price

Looking for Canon Digital IXUS 50 baterry charger and Software and connectio n kit to P C.?
a rechargeable lithium ion battery pack and charger, software,:

Canon Digital Ixus 50 + Secure Digital 256Mb card + V900 PC22 Charger LR6(AA) +

4 rechargeable NiMH LR6(AA) batteries 2500 mAh + PIX medium case 12.5 x 5.5 ... - 133k -

Can u give me a idea to create a software package for chess game based on c++?

As you may know c++ is object oriented language

I would focus on defining the object relationship diagram first

For example look at the whole game as an object

So you may have one class for chess pieces

attributes could be

Name, color

methods could be

move, eliminate, constructor, destructor methods etc

one class for board

attributes may include location 2 dimensional array 8,8

chess pieces [pointers]

Hope I made some sense, good luck

Can u give me a idea to create a software package for chess game based on c++?
I am glad and let me know how your project goes. Wish you good luck. Report It

Difference between Software Development Manager, Technical Manager & Software Project Manager?

Hi, please explain the differences between the roles of :

* Software Development Manager

* Technical Manager

* Software Project Manager

... in the context of a small software company.

I'm a (C++) software engineer with 7 years experience in software development %26amp; design, and am considering the next steps in the progression of my career. I can't see the distinction between the roles above.


Difference between Software Development Manager, Technical Manager %26amp; Software Project Manager?
The quick answer is that it depends on the organization - there are no hard and fast rules.

However, my thought would be that the Software Development Manager would a resource manager, with developers reporting to them. The technical manager would also have people reporting to them, but they could be QA people, or other specific technical disciplines (perhaps developers)

The software project manager might not have people reporting to them, but would be focusing on the project processes across the organization, rather than on the technical solution.

Do programs written in C++ in Visual Studio 2005 need any other software libraries to be installed?

I only used the libraries available to the Visual Studio 2005.

So would i need to install .net framework 2.0 or something in order for it to work on another pc?

Do programs written in C++ in Visual Studio 2005 need any other software libraries to be installed?
I don't know about VB studio, but for Visual Basic 5.0 and VB 6.0 some run-time files are required, you install them when you install Visual Basic, but when you compile a .exe and take that file to another computer it will probably not work, that's why you need to install the run-time files (here is a link )

But I'm not sure if Visual basic Studio needs those run-time files installed, I looked in the Microsoft website and I couldn't find it, I guess that Microsoft finally figured out that if they where selling a program to make apps to use in the same operative system they sell, that they should sell Windows with those run-time files included.

btw, when I used VB 5.0 it had an app to make one of those fancy setup programs that would install all the dll and run-time files required for your program, but I don't remember the name of the program :(
Reply:It depends if they use external libraries.

It is possible to write programs with no external libraries. Sometimes it is easier to use external libraries.

I hope this answers your question.

curse of the golden flower

At quitting time you c your colleague filling a briefcace with expensive software that's not 2 leave what wwud

Perhaps you can approach him and ask him about it?

Maybe he has permission...?

Expain to him that he won't gain in the long run.

If he really is stealing, the boss has to know...

Good luck.

At quitting time you c your colleague filling a briefcace with expensive software that's not 2 leave what wwud
Talk to your co-worker, tell him to bring it back, or you will tell your supervisor and the police.
Reply:mention it to a supervisor
Reply:Call the police.
Reply:"If U don't share 50/50, I'll report ya!"
Reply:I'd quit my job and go back to school to learn proper english.
Reply:Go straight to the boss, but request that the boss keep your name out of it. That way your colleague won't know it was you who dobbed them in!

What is SAP ? SAP is related to which software ? It is related to A\c means transaction or entries ?

Actualy i want to know briefly about SAP ?

What is SAP ? SAP is related to which software ? It is related to A\c means transaction or entries ?
SAP stands for System Applications and Products in Data Processing. and it is a top selling ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) Package.

There are lots of career opportunities of SAP..

Basically anyone having a degree can go for SAP certification which may be technical(developer or programmer) or Functional( like Financial Accounting(FI), Plant Maintenance(PM etc)...

Certification would take 3 lakhs through Siemens instituite(SAP's Education Partner)...once u get certified u will be a most wanted person in the job market....

For more clarifications mail me....

see this links also:


Karthik D

Reply:SAP is an ERP which does all the process starting from loading of data from a database to the last objective of generating a standard, powerful and flexible report. It is very powerful tool used by most of the enterprises. It has number of modules and will depends upon the task you prefer. learn more from,, or
Reply:SAP is an ERP on which now most major businesses run. It covers most disciplines like, MM, Sales %26amp; Mktg., Accounts, HR, Production and many more.

It is universal in nature and can be custumised to specific business needs
Reply:SAP stands for system application and products in data processing. SAP is an ERP software product of SAP AG.
Reply:SAP is a high-end accounting program. Samsung is run on SAP. For end-users, i.e. mere humans, it's very difficult to use. However accounting people love it. Hundreds of thousands of dollars (at least) are spent every year just maintaining this beast of a software package.
Reply:it is the world's largest inter-enterprise software company and the world's fourth-largest independent software supplier, overall. The tangible SAP idea was to provide customers with the capacity to cooperate with a common corporate database and so the applications have been assembled gradually. SAP applications, built around their latest R/3 system, provide the capability to deal with financial, asset, and cost accounting, production operations and materials, personnel, plants, as well as archived documents.
Reply:S = systems, A = applications, P = products,

that is, "Systems, Applications, and Products (in data

processing)." This name is based on the original

German name "Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte (in der


I want some c++ codes on how to develop data entry software at least some source codes and some tutorials?

buy a book from PC world or somwhere like that. Have you tried Delphi, or SQL they are more up to date than c++

I want some c++ codes on how to develop data entry software at least some source codes and some tutorials?
Reply:try surfing into and get into talk with the pro coders there ... they'll help you ... and dont forget to surf into for some neat c++ codes
Reply:What is your data entry? From console? With some GUI? In what OS? What development tool do you use? Where do you intend to place the data entered when you got it? -- into what database/spreadsheet/text file?

You told nothing about your needs...

Can any one suggest me some innovative software projects that could be implemented in C?


You could write a program that would identify the addresses various spy softwre programs feed collected information to and bombard those sites with bogus data. Your efforts would drive spy software out of usage and be a boon to all computer users everywhere.

You could sweep the Internet and collect the numbers used by all "re-dialer" software programs. Then issue disconnects on those telephone lines.

You could write freeware addons to our computers to deliver reports on who was seeking to extract information from our computers about our personal identity.

You could study Microsoft Windows extensively and create a website that gave instructions on how to effectively unload personal information from PC's so that hackers and hidden programs floating around could not steal if from us.

Can any one suggest me some innovative software projects that could be implemented in C?
do some a game using c.. example.. typing tutor..
Reply:A program that answers questions for me on yahoo answers!
Reply:yes , like windows 98 is built on C, try to make your own operating system.......

dont forget to give me some royalty if it works.............


Where can I get the software for the cell phone, Motorola v3 c for free?

"I will b completing my 10+2 this march 4m A.P board, I wanna pursue a software engg. course in New Zealand, C

For anything regarding Study in New Zealand see


Otherwise re-post your question under New Zealand. You have it under Australia.


Am an electrical engineer with a score of doing c and unix course.should i do software testing course ?

have heard there r many openings in that field.wat do i do?have no work ex a fresher

Am an electrical engineer with a score of doing c and unix course.should i do software testing course ?
Yes. The testing courses will give a more rounded knowledge and possible skillset to bring to your future employers. The more knowledge you have to better it makes you. Sometimes, the function of a programmer and a tester are clearly defined, and sometimes they're not. Also Some programmers do not know what the testers do and vice-versa.
Reply:Hard to say. Not sure where you live or want to live. There might be huge demand for electrical engineers or huge demand for software testers in your area.

Many people have gone and studied accounting and computers and so there id definitely a gap in the market for engineers, plumbers and builders because no one wants to work in this area. they think accounting (we all know about their personalilities) and IT (the nerdy types?) is better.
Reply:Software testing is an area where there is good demand for people, and would be a good area to explore for work.

What is 58 ? Your IQ ?

Im doing my B.COM(C.S).Since i want 2 enter in software n IT field gonna do M.C.A.Is GNIIT ryt 4 me...?

well..frm ur question i guess dat u r currently pursuing BCOM course.....since ur ambition is 2 enter in2 s/w field.....den in my opinion MCA is d best option for ll let u earn much more dan GNIIT course(a primary concern, of course!!!)...nd it ll equip u wid Master's degree as well which defintely helps u in dis line...... An MCA degree frm a reputed institutes is surely gonna take u whr u want 2 b......

Im doing my B.COM(C.S).Since i want 2 enter in software n IT field gonna do M.C.A.Is GNIIT ryt 4 me...?
well GNIIT has a decent repo.. but why not try IGNOU, or enroll urself to some other univ.. prefer a regular program over distance learning.. and a univ program over GNIIT..

best of luck.

song words

Am an electrical engineer with a score of doing c and unix course.should i do software testing course ?

have heard there r many openings in that field.wat do i do?have no work ex a fresher

Am an electrical engineer with a score of doing c and unix course.should i do software testing course ?
I think you should do it. But why are you posting your question in Travel section?
Reply:its good to have this couse. it maybe helpful in future..
Reply:Sure, But do it in a very very reputed institution

Do anyone know any software that convert Assembler Program cording to c Program code?

I don't there is any .... usually it's the other way around, when a program is writted in assembly, it's for better performance because there will be no need for compiling ...

Do anyone know any software that convert Assembler Program cording to c Program code?
NOT Possible. As ALP is a low level and "C" is HLP.

Reverse can be found.
Reply:This is completely impossible. It's like asking for something that converts a rollerskate into a truck.

Reply:No can do - it works the other way around.

Can I run software on an external hard drive? My C: drive is very crowded. I am running Windows XP Pro.?

you can, but depending on how fast your USB connection is will make the difference on how fast they run. USB 2.0 usually means NOT FAST AT ALL. It's not a good way to run things.

Can I run software on an external hard drive? My C: drive is very crowded. I am running Windows XP Pro.?
If it's a laptop then you're limited by the speed of USB 2. If its a desktop, then you can squeeze in another harddrive to your case, and make it the slave. Then you can install software to your new drive, just when you install software, choose the new location and it will copy it there. You can then run the software program and it will run properly. Some game software will not install on other places apart from the c drive but that's only in certain games, not all. You could also transfer some data files to the new drive, trim your bloatware by deleting programs you don't use and run clean disk so it gets rid of the internet junk, temp files etc. Also defrag your drive after you clean your c drive to maximise performance.
Reply:Try getting another HD, and moving things to it that can be stored, such as big files (like stored MP3's or DVD's) This should free up space on your C drive so you can install more programs.
Reply:When installed, Windows will designate the external hard drive with a new drive letter, (The next available, D:\, E:\, F"\.....Z:\.

You can then use it as a normal hard drive, the only difference is it is taking up space on your desk or table or bed or....

There are more practical ways of increasing your hard drive space.

1. Install a new HD as a slave, (change pin settings on HD. Drive C: is your master drive, Be sure you attach the ribbon cable correctly, (red line on pin 1). If you are not sure, DON'T DO IT)

2. Compress drive C (double your capacity), too late now because it is almost full. Do it first with your new one.

3. Backup drive C. Install a much larger new drive. (It will fill up also, they all do).

Wanna hear a good one?

Well, I'll tell you anyway, My first HD was a whopping 40 Megabytes, (back in the dark ages, 18 years ago or so). I thought I'll never fill it. Now I've got a total of 500 Gigabytes and it is filling up.

Remember the golden rules, The faster the better, the larger the better, the more memory the better.

I am a Physics PhD student. I am loosing interest in physics. Can I get a software job in us? I know c++.?

I need particularly name name of companies, who give training and then provide jobs.

I am a Physics PhD student. I am loosing interest in physics. Can I get a software job in us? I know c++.?
get a BS in compter science and ur all set u will have no problem

song titles

Looking to write some software that will possibly be commercialized. Is C++ preferable to C#?

Theres no way to answer that without lots of details. What environment will it run it, does it need to run on multiple architectures, what will it do, does it make a lot of use of connecting to databases and other datasources or is more of a standalone desktop app. Is performance an issue, will it do lots of computationally expensive computations. How complex will it be. How many developers will be working on it. If one language was good for everything then it would be used for every project. C++ and C# may be OO languages but they are very different in many was.

My p.c freezes after 5 minutes of use!when i try run any of my anti virus/spy software etc,it plz

im using the following anti spyware/virus programs.ntl netgear,ad aware s.e,counter spy,ewido antispy,avg free,yahoo antispy on toolbar and spybot search and destroy,but soon as they get near my program files during a scan the p.c freezes up it is as though it knows !!!!obviously it is in the program files but i cant get near it to cure it.can any one suggest a remedy? i have tried reformatting my hard drive ,but it wont let me !even tho nothing i can see is accessing it,it tells me there is ...!? its clearly some very clever virus of some please!!

My p.c freezes after 5 minutes of use!when i try run any of my anti virus/spy software etc,it plz
there are a few problems here,first you have far too many security programs running,the 2 anti-spyware programs you should use are spybot and adaware,uninstall the others they are not needed and are causing conflicts within your operating system

with reference to your anti-virus,avg is the worst possible program you could use,it has a terrible interface and its detection rate is diabolicle,it misses viruses and tells you that you are infected when you arnt

avast 4 is a brilliant anti0virus program( works well with the above spyware software

with reference to formatting your drive ,why not use a 98 or me start up disk,get one from,dow... the 98 oem link and transfer it on to floppy by running the program.exe

when you reboot your p.c set your floppy as 1st boot device in bios and then once the start up disk has loaded,type a:/ format c: to format your hard drive

then when it has finished ,insert your windows xp disk and then turn off your p.c....wait 10 seconds...then boot up,press delete,and in bios change 1st boot device to cd-rom and save and exit,your xp disk will then boot up with"press any key to boot from cd" press a key and then follow instructions for xp installation

also remember to take out he floppy disc after the format,

good luck
Reply:malware frequently tries to hide, esp. from something that will find/remove it.....are you running all these scans at once? if yes, that itself may cause a logjam... 'panda' antiv use to have a free on line scan..... they are good folks w/nice software, try them (on line).... be wary of some sites, they actually give ya' some junk, then make you pay to get rid of it. you mite try 'avast!' freeware; run it independ. of other scans.....
Reply:For one, youve got too much security going on. They conflict with oneanother, plus theyre all fee, you are looking for trouble..ewido and counterspy are no name programs and probabably dowloaders of spyware, and most free scan my pc now online crap. Sorry, but its rubbish you cant reformat. Thats what a reformat is...your doing it wrong.

Youve gone too far down the road of downloading free rubbish, which has loaded other rubbish. Your system has had it.

Go to a pc shop, let them re format , or do research to get a proper boot disk, you can never, Not reformat. Only a reformat will save you, and it sounds like you need expert, hands on help.

Sorry mate, but it does look dire...
Reply:Far too many running at the same time - you need to get rid of some of the above - remember to run them one at a time so they dont conflict with each other.

Personally I would only keep avg and ad aware and spybot.

Perhaps try Microsoft spyware program too - available on their site (apparently but I have never used it)

If your still having problems maybe its time to reinstall as there may be a corrupt file.

yahoo toolbar

and avg

remove all others

to meny conflicts
Reply:boot pc with xp/windows disc in and format it from there.... you seem to have too many things protecting you.. you only need 2 or maybe 3... definately needed is norton, ad-aware'se and if you want to, windows defender.. thats all you need... if you still cant format the thing.. download a format system free from
Reply:Sounds like the operating system is a piece of c r a p. You don't use Microsoft by any chance?
Reply:It could be a virus. Consider re-installing windows - your documents will be kept unless you want to back them up. Try also starting your computer in Safe Mode - see if it crashes then. If you cannot use your Program files etc, your in deep s#@t. I would consider taking it to a technichian who would remove your HD and format it.

Or it could be that your proccessor is becoming too hot - the fan isnt doing the job, therefore locking up the computer.
Reply:Have you tried running your programs in Safe mode? I'd also uninstall AVG as its past its sell by date, and switch to Avast! anti virus, it also deals with some trojans.

Download Avast from, disconnect from the net and install.

Remember to turn off System Restore as it will be hiding in there and will re-install itself.

Boot into Safe Mode and run Avast!, Ewido and Ad Aware SE Personal.

To get into safe mode, repeatedly press the F8 key after the bios screen loads but before Windows loads, if you don't manage it first time just restart and try again.

Safe mode looks very different and not all your programs will load but don't worry, its supposed to do that. The screen will run at 800 x 600. The scans will take a bit longer so just leave it to get on with it.

If that doesn't work, post back.

How to re-size the main drive (C:) on my computer using Partition Magic software??? ,,%26lt;%26lt;Step by sdtep instructions for formatting

How to re-size the main drive (C:) on my computer using Partition Magic software???
A counter-question for you. Why bother partitioning your hard drive? Other than to have multiple operating systems available, there's really no point - in my opinion.

You're better off just adding a slave hard drive.
Reply:Here is a guide you can follow -

And there many benefits to partitioning a drive contrary to drizzt_234 comments. These include performance, security, storage manipulation, etc.
Reply:When Partition Magic is running, you should see a graphical representation of your hard drive with partitions. Click on the partition you want to resize, you can drag the bars to the new size, or use the online help . It tells you how to resize the drive partitions.

Can anyone recommend antivirus software for Windows 2000 Professional ? yes i know it is time for a new p.c?

and i am hopeing that will happen soon ...i had security with my ISP but they phased out the software leaving me totally unprotected ,,, and i serched Microsoft store without success , i realize i will need to purchase such sofware , i am just not familier with all of them and which ones to trust .....Thank You for any help you can provide

Can anyone recommend antivirus software for Windows 2000 Professional ? yes i know it is time for a new p.c?
McAfee is best. Lightweight, full featured effective. As a Senior Systems Engineer, it's what I use.

Symantec/Norton used to be great but they've gotten clunky, hogging lots of memory and computer resources. It will make your PC run slow.
Reply:Find out if your internet provider supplies another anti-virus program.

But I recommend McAfee
Reply:You should be fine with AVG free edition :

By the way I wouldnt be in such a hurry to replace your PC as Win2k is one of the better operating systems MS has produced.


Reply:Use AVG antivirus or Mcaffee...It ll be good.

song downloads

Re: WIZETRADE-stocks, an infomercial on TV.If anyone has attended: (a)software cost (b)ease of use (c)success?

Wiztrade is not traded on any stockmaket

What are the prospects for c++, what kind of a role do u think it will play in software dev,say 5 yrs frm now?

is c++ as useful as java/.net? is it good if i start learning this lang now?

What are the prospects for c++, what kind of a role do u think it will play in software dev,say 5 yrs frm now?
I completely agree with Vox Sola, but I add something to what he said.

C++ is not for faint-hearted people.

If you are good at coding and like algorithms, if you like to micromanage things ... then c++ is for you; but if you like patterns and software architecture ... then leave it alone or it will make your life sorry.
Reply:C++ will always be the bread and butter of the programming world simply because it allows so much flexibility and is only limited by the programmers skill and knowledge with the code.

Java and .net, whilst being emerging languages will not make C++ obselete, if anything over the next few years C++ programers will become even more valuable as specialists. One thing C++ will always have over these other two is speed. If you can prove to someone that you can code something incredibly lean and efficient with one of the fastest programming languages then they will hire you over some java/.net programmer.

However, despite this, as a programmer in an rapidly changing IT world you know you have to keep ahead of the game to stay in it, so learning java and .net will help keep you with the rest of the pack.

One thing you can safely assume and that is programming in general is a safe career for the long term future.
Reply:There are more lines of code written in Visual Basic than any other computer language in the world. While C++ is a good language, it is not the language used in most businesses. According to my studies, most businesses use Java and .NET over C++.
Reply:C++ will remain relevant for a very long time. It is still used by countless companies and is the primary language for game development as well as other things.

This is due to two reasons, first is habit. C has been around for a long while and C++ is an extension of C, old habit die hard. Secondly, the C++ compiler converts code into stand-alone exe-files while C# and Java relies on having a framework to handle just in time compilation.

While they are faster than purely interpreted languages, they're no match for the raw speed of C.
Reply:C++ will always have a home in computational intensive algorithms and embedded devices with small amounts of memory. Drivers will continue to be developed in C++ or assembler. Games will certainly not shy away from the raw power of C++.

Is it as useful as .Net? .Net is terrible for complicated tasks. Many a time I have written little Dlls containing fast algorithms for certain tasks, and then link them together with .Net apps using the P/Invoke technique. .Net simply is not made to run computationally intensive code with its extra error checking and random garbage collection.

I highly recommend learning C++ even if you only plan on using .Net or Java in the workplace. It can make all the difference between a programmer and a skilled programmer.

Is there any Free Software that allows us to write in different languages like Arabic, Chinese e.t.c ?

I need to write in Arabic and other different languages. Is there any software that will allow me to write in Arabic?

Is there any Free Software that allows us to write in different languages like Arabic, Chinese e.t.c ?
Reply:Intersting phrasing..."You need to write in Arabic?" Perhaps George Bush's 'Patriot Act' should be alerted, if not, then the terrorists win.

37m india,recently started learning c++ and java,what else should I do to get good job as software programmer?

i am a businessman,and want to switch to software programming as profession,i don`t have any computer background.

37m india,recently started learning c++ and java,what else should I do to get good job as software programmer?
SAP ABAP programming
Reply:in programing languages use for only coding. you want to know entire life subjects ie accounancy,managments.analising designing and everythig
Reply:Dear PS:

1.All you have to do is practise programming using Open source projects, so that you can gain experience to go any projects using the language C++ or Java

2. Learning Java alone will not fetch you any job you dream or desire in this world anymore, add spices like J2EE.

3.Begin yourself in any software concern as a fresher or programme trainee.

$. Rest you'll get to know how you can get ur dream job.
Reply:Do the following

1.Learn the programming from a reputed institute like NIIT etc

2.Make a one page CV

3.Register yourself with,, and many more

4.Send your Cv to Infosis,Wipro,Tcs,Cognigent etc

5.Your desire will be fulfilled
Reply:Learn programming %26gt; write (good) programs %26gt; sell programs.
Reply:You're already learning the right things as far as which languages to learn. C++ especially is very valuable to professional programmers.

What you need to do next is to get properly certified by whatever authority certifies programmers in your area. After that, its simply a matter of finding someone to hire you.

Hint: Practice developing software by working on some Open Source projects. These are programs in which their creator has decided to make it free to anyone, and in which any programmer in the world is allowed to modify it and make it better. By participating in an Open Source project, you will gain experience working on real-world software, and be in direct communications with highly-experienced programmers who can help teach you.

Good luck, hope everything works out!

sending flowers

I am doing my final year M.C.A.I have to do my final year project in some software companies.?

.pls give some software company names (bangalore or chennai) to do my project and also let me know how to apply for that.

I am doing my final year M.C.A.I have to do my final year project in some software companies.?
Do you have to do the work in an office? Do you have an Internet connection at home? There are hundreds of companies where you can work at home. Just ask

I want to acquire speech recogonition software for HINDI. I am aware that it is developed - perhaps by c-dac.?

This softwre is perhaps developed by c-dac or bharatbhasha. the office seems to be somewhere in Pune.

I want to acquire speech recogonition software for HINDI. I am aware that it is developed - perhaps by c-dac.?
It looks like IBM has something as well.

You may want to check the results of this google search:;rls=e...

You may also be interested in
Reply:yeah software is available or i can wrote it for you. but what i will get ?

How would i learn c and java language...plz tell me software from where i can learn?

For C programming refer books like Programming with C by Byron Gottfried or The C programming language by K%26amp;R..They are best source to learn C. For execution of program u have to install turbo C software. Or u can compile c program in VC++ .

How to get c'language tutor fr net , only text software only i got?

i search in the yahoo and other site also

How to get c'language tutor fr net , only text software only i got?
If you are self-learning beginner on C, here are good free tutorials online:

Free all in one packages to get headstart:


Bloodshed (win32 only)

C U happy programming ;-}

send flowers

Adobe software all can't install on new xp installed computers Eg pagemaker 7.0 (C formate FAT 32)?

But others software install properly Plz help me

Adobe software all can't install on new xp installed computers Eg pagemaker 7.0 (C formate FAT 32)?
1- I think you did not install the graphic driver.

Check if you have installed all the drivers properly.

2- Check you computer specifications and the software requirements and make sure that they meet.

3- If it is a fake copy, it could be detected by Adobe or it could be corrupted.

I think these are all the possibilities.

If you know which of the following business software applications: a) lawson, b) adp, c) peoplesoft,?

d) oracle financials, e) others

which person will make the most $alary?

If you know which of the following business software applications: a) lawson, b) adp, c) peoplesoft,?
Depends are you just going to be a andmistrative person using the softwar to input information and generate reports or are you going to actually add modifications the programming methods for this software. If you are going to be programming of course you will earn more than an adminstrative person.. As an adminstrative person the more sofwatre packages you know the more you will be marketable and with that you can earn more.

Hey what is the best game desigining software for a amature(i know c programing)?

try 3dsmax and torque game engine

Hey what is the best game desigining software for a amature(i know c programing)?
for games w/ (almost) full compatibility: JAVA

My P.C. lost files etc., when I removed software, How do you operate Save and Restore and Go back?

got all programs click on accessory's click on system restore %26amp; it will come up with options click on restore to earlyer time up comes calender clik on a earlyer date and it should restore

My P.C. lost files etc., when I removed software, How do you operate Save and Restore and Go back?
click on start [lower left ]

then settings and control panel

then my computer

on left side click control panel

click performance and maintenance

under this is see also [on left]

click on system restore

once there, it will walk you thru.

good luck...


B.E.(C.S.)/2005/71%/Searching for a software job in DELHI/NCR?

so what?

just see that ur english%26amp;soft-skills are r8..and let head-hunters know that u are looking for a job.

B.E.(C.S.)/2005/71%/Searching for a software job in DELHI/NCR?
git r done

Is there any software for free that cleans your harddrive of spyware,adware,e.t.c.?

i dont mind paying at all for the software to clean my computer but was just wondering if theres any for free.if not whats the best one.

Is there any software for free that cleans your harddrive of spyware,adware,e.t.c.?
ad aware, windows defender. both free.
Reply:There is a small danger in combining Ad Aware and Spy bot as Ad Aware will find spyware in Spy bot, which has been dealt with. See info from Spy bot if both are installed.

Excellent free anti virus is Avast Home Edition, which will clean up everything if asked to scan on reboot after installation. Report It

Reply:Try Spybot -Search and Destroy and Ad-aware by Lavasoft
Reply:look for spyware doctor and spysubtract online and download them for free! Ta Daa!!!
Reply:ccleaner, spybot
Reply:Linux, you can use it to remove Microsoft products and then you don't get spyware, adware etc.
Reply:You are in luck! I use Ad-aware and it is totally free. This software does an excelent job at identifying and removing all that crap. You can find it @ You wan to chose the personal-edition.
Reply:Spybot Search and Destroy. Do a google search for it.
Reply:download spybot
Reply:Go to and get Ad-Aware and Spybot. Both are free and work great.
Reply:spybot is the best free one.
Reply:Go to free spyware blocker, You can get a free version of a firewall from zone labs. Type in free firewall.
Reply:Tuneup Utilities 2006 is pretty good but you have to pay pay for it.There a trial at their website.I bought it and it works great!
Reply:Ad-Aware SE Personal
Reply:bit defender 8 free edition

Where can I find a free software to convert audio files w/c is not a trial version?

all codecs

Where can I find a free software to convert audio files w/c is not a trial version?
You can try
Reply:MP3 Workshop is free and converts MP3 to WAV and vice versa, plus resampling and volume normalization. It also has explorer extensions that let you use the program without opening it.

Reply:you can try these download sites.

The device context is a software or a hardware in Visual C++? Explain with reason.?

A 'device context' is the way that Microsoft has chosen to deal with abstraction of hardware in the Windows / Win32 API based operating systems. To get more specifics about this *SOFTWARE* abstraction layer and its programming requirements, visit the URL below and search the site for the term device context.

garden centre

Hii....m new to de feild of software...r der ne projects...based c nd c++....?

i need ur ideas...nd concepts regarding dis....m completly unaware of de topics dat may be involved in projects regardin dis...

soooooooo plzz plzz plzz help me guyzzz....

Hii....m new to de feild of software...r der ne projects...based c nd c++....?
First 2-3 months will be difficult after then you will be familiar with the project and language .. be confident and smile ..............
Reply:Oh dear god please repeat elementary school.. your English is horrendous..

As for programming just try to program what comes to your mind. Thats the whole concept of programing. If you need help google how to program and you should get some starter programs such as the Hello World! Program.
Reply:if u like to do project in C or C++, then using graphics or networking concepts, u can do. it wil b helpful to u.
Reply:Yes,I've Phonebook.cpp
Reply:properties of matrix like





skew symmetric


Reply:hello dear....

if u have any problem in c an c++..

then u can mail me on id..with ur software problems...

i can try 2 solve ur problem.....

oky dear.....

bk here...
Reply:check out

Lason india in chennai has software division also?? working there in C platform would?

add as an experience..if we want to shift our job with IT gaint companies in future ? kindly response fast...itz urgent

Lason india in chennai has software division also?? working there in C platform would?

Why does the Itunes software take so long to copy c.d.s?

I have a good computer. Sometimes it takes minutes and sometimes an hour.

Why does the Itunes software take so long to copy c.d.s?
It can also depend on if you have a fast enough processor (CPU, the brain of the computer) and if you have enough RAM (memory). I once had an older (slow) computer that took 30 minutes to burn or rip music onto the hard drive. I then purchased a brand new one and it took less than 5 minutes for both. Hope this helps...
Reply:cuz its stupid
Reply:It's becuase it has to find you songs, see what CD it is, then it has to copy them (with all of the album info and other info), then it has to check if you have an iPod connected and tries to update it if it is......
Reply:dont know...
Reply:its either that you have to much crap on your computer(trust me i had to delete a crap load of stuff)

or that the burn speed is really low

but if your computer is stupid like mine

it wont let you bring the speed up

soooooooooo yeah try it

I need some simple software made for me something in C++?

I am developing a complete database in access. and As part of the install I want it to bookmark a web page in IE, and Firefox for the user. I want it to bookmark and make its own folder. the path is

Bookmark / business links / Accept Credit Cards Now!

The database is free for them to download and track their clients and so forth. I have had 40 beta test it and they love it...but the reason its free is because I want to get more traffic to my other project!

Just a simple .exe file will do. If they want after the installation they can delete the bookmark manually. But can anyone code this for me? I know its very easy...

I need some simple software made for me something in C++?
I don't have a clue what you're yapping about!

If you can find a C++ programmer to do all that for a "Thank You" I'll eat my hat.

Can you think of a good reason why someone would spend perhaps a year or two studying C++ and then work for peanuts?

You can hire a programmer to do that kinda fancy stuff, but you will do a lot better to learn programming yourself, then you can make your computer do a dance and maybe even take a bow after singing a song for you!!! ;-)
Reply:Good luck, I personally can't see anyone giving you this for free so you can use it to make money!

But a hint: you give no real reason it needs to be c++, even a hta or script could do what you ask!

flower show

Friday, July 31, 2009

In our software engineering lab make project using c-lan with Ms-access database?

I am a anna university student

In our software engineering lab make project using c-lan with Ms-access database?
I really don't see a question here...

Good Luck with your data!

What software do i need to start c++? i really want to learn it!?

i would recommend you the best software,.....that is the "turbo C++" software...

What software do i need to start c++? i really want to learn it!?
I recommend Dev-C++.

U can download it from
Reply:My recommendation is borland c++ compiler free edition here: + a good book.
Reply:I would suggest Bloodshed's Dev C++ compiler. It has many features that even turbo c++ or visual studio lack.
Reply:turboo c++ is better...first of all u need to know about c. once u know abt C u can easily learn c++..

How can we download songs in iphone, is it just by i tunes or you have a seperate software like an ipod and c?

can we download songs on our own like in ipod.

Can a simple Bcom(pass) guy do the software testing job, without doing any computer language(like C, C++,java)

I havent done any computer language or not any diploma course, but i m doing software testing course, so computer language or course is necessary for testing job?

Can a simple Bcom(pass) guy do the software testing job, without doing any computer language(like C, C++,java)
You can go further into Software Testing field without learning a language like C,C++ etc . But I recommend that you learn at least 1 and also do a general reading on another language,Software Engineering and at least 1/2 databases. That would help you in your Software Testing Job ; especially when you would be interacting with Project Managers,Developers etc. Also If you are on your first job, pay a close attention to the Business needs of your client , their Model etc. Many a times (especially in Functional Testing) , a thorough understanding of client business model and their needs is a must .
Reply:You cannot go for white box testing; black box testing can be done without s/w knowledge.
Reply:You can do blackbox testing i.e. simple functionality testing

However to really succeed you would need to carry out whitebox testing so that you can provide valuable feedback
Reply:why don’t u look @ the options of becoming CA or financial adviser or any thing related to ur basic education qualification...I believe you can do well if u have sound knowledge of finance rather than starting any thing new which you have no idea of....

Think in all possible ways...

Good Luck
Reply:it is difficult

phone cards

What is the software to create an image from a hard partition like c and mount the image at startup to c drive

I know so many software that create image file from hard partitions but I dont know how to mount them at startup ...

What is the software to create an image from a hard partition like c and mount the image at startup to c drive
Thre are tools for managing partitions (fdisk, cfdisk, parted, for example) and tools to handle the booting/mounting (lilo, grub, etc.).

It all depends on what you're trying to do and what O/S you're using.
Reply:Try DaemonTools if you want to mount a virtual cd/dvd drive.

Or Partition Magic.
Reply:Norton Ghost, or a similar program should have the setup files to lead you through this,(or Acronis)

How do you fix RUNDLL? Error loading C:\program files\acceleration software\anti-virus\sssmon.dll can't be fou

Your anti-virus software has a corrupted file. You will need to reinstall it.

What is different between c,c++, java and also which one is the latest program software ??

C or C++ languages are how to working in PC?

What is different between c,c++, java and also which one is the latest program software ??
C is the "Procedural Language" whereas C++ and java are "Object oriented language".

You have to refer books on these to understand the concept and their environment.

You can check the following link for more details...

It depends on the kind of application you are developing to choose a suitable language.

java is more suitable for distributed applications because it

is a "platform independent language" whereas c and c++ are platform dependent languages.

software to use:

1. C and C++ - TurboC compiler

2. Java - JCreator

What is P C logo it is related to computer, is this a software or something else.?

my daughter is studyung in 2nd class her teacher has told heer something about p c logo now she is asking me what is p c logo. i asked many person but nobody reply satisfactorily. plz tel what is it

What is P C logo it is related to computer, is this a software or something else.?
Windows Vista Capable PC logo is the new Microsoft operating system logo that is designed to indicate that the PC comes pre-installed with Windows XP and is also capable of running Windows Vista.

When it becomes available. Any PC that has a Windows Vista Capable logo sticker would support an upgrade to Windows Vista and would provide the core features of Windows Vista.
Reply:Schools have now a days are introducing computer course as part of their syllabus. It is normally be introduced from 2nd std in schools with CBSC syllabus.

"LOGO" is a computer program which is very primitive in nature. In my child's computer syllabus for 3rd std I have seen this from course book published by NIIT.
Reply:a PC logo is the trade mark that each computer company uses on this systems, a logo is simply a trade make that companies use to identy their product

ie: HP's logo is "HP Invent"

non computer logo Nike shoe companies logo is "Just Dot It" ect


I want to play my playstation game C.D. on my computer. which software should i intall to do so?

i dont think you can

I want to play my playstation game C.D. on my computer. which software should i intall to do so?
I have never heard of such software.

if it is available, i would buy it!
Reply:Try PCSX 2 (PS 2) or Bleam (PS 1)

Can i become a software engineer if i do B tech in E & C??

i'm currently in 1st year Btech Electronics n communication there any chance for me to become a software engineer?

Can i become a software engineer if i do B tech in E %26amp; C??
Of course my dear.....

Once a company comes for placement you can opt the software field also........

I am a Software employee. I want to do correspondance in M.C.A from ICFAI. How will it help me? Is it good?

I heard ICFAI to be good from some people and also negatively from some.But I want to do my P.G in the next month. So please suggest me regarding M.C.A in ICFAI.

I am a Software employee. I want to do correspondance in M.C.A from ICFAI. How will it help me? Is it good?
No problem, ICFAI is also Recognised Institution by manipal, so it is National wide university. I think it is also a good instution for learning. Okay try your best.
Reply:I dont think it will do you any good as ur already in software field.Try to learn updated softwares which will help u in ur current career.

As for ICFAI it is good.

All the best

My kids are having a p.c without Internet there any anti-virus software?

which does not require internet and updates to block any incidental virus. though my question might look silly as i know that an antivirus prog has to update data base,i felt i should ask this to know if any software is available according to my expectation.

My kids are having a p.c without Internet there any anti-virus software?
If you don't ever use your computer to access the internet, and you do not load files that other people may give you on CD's, floppys, flash, etc., then you don't need anti-virus software. If you feel you must run an anti-virus program occasionally anyway, use an internet connected computer to download and update AVG Free Edition, then copy it to a CD and load it onto your computer.
Reply:A virus is a malicious program which may be introduced into your computer's operating system from various sources. Such as CD's, Floppies, USB Flash drives, games, software programs, cameras, anything that might be connected to your PC. etc. You don't need to be connected to the net to get a virus!

USB Flash drive...

Just plug it in your computer usb slot... put what you want on it... You can get them at most stores that have pc's cameras etc.

Cost... $8 to about $59 - 512mb, 1g, 2g, 4g, 8g.

Keep this on a USB drive... for when you can't get online or to help a friend -or- your kids who might be infected...

"Dr.Web CureIt" - Is a standalone anti-virus and anti-spyware scanner that scans your PC for viruses, trojans, adware, spyware, hack tools, rootkits, and other malware. The program does not require an installation and can be run from a USB drive. This is an on-demand scanner only, it can detect and remove virus infections but does not provide any real-time protection. Do a search for this.
Reply:It sounds like you know the answer to your own question...."as i know that an antivirus prog has to update data base" is my input on it though.

Although maybe not 100% factual, I feel that 90% of virus's (maybe even more) are downloaded from the internet. Therefore if your kids computers are not connected your chance of "catching a virus" are going to be extremely low.

Here is what I would do: find a cheap, well known antivirus program, I recomend Nod32, and install it from the beginning. Dont worry about updates (as you are not connected) but DO turn on your windows firewall.

Types of security risks without internet: the most damaging is probably a "road apple". This is where a person will find a thumb drive/CD/floppy on the street or lying around somewhere and will insert it to there may see a .jpg that you are interested in looking at, however when you click on this it is actually a renamed .exe which goes through and pulls info off of your computer....this then tries to send it over the internet to the creator, but again, you are not connected.

General caution, as well as the windows firewall should be enough to keep your computer safe!

hope that helps.
Reply:AVG Free offers downloadable updates that you can download on one computer, put on a CD or USB flash drive, and transfer to the non-Internet-connected PC. You can then tell AVG to update from the directory/folder where you have stored the updates.

Your need for antivirus software on the non-Internet-connected PC is so negligible that just downloading and installing the most recent edition of your preferred free antivirus software every six months should protect that computer adequately. (Even so, there are no 100% guarantees.)
Reply:If there is no internet connection, the pc should be fine.

Only way it can get viruses is if they put something like a memory stick or a cd in the pc that is infected.

All anti viruses need updating, so you are best to not have any unless you can connect it to the internet to update it regulary.
Reply:if your kids have a stand alone pc with no internet connection they don't need any anti-virus soft ware installed as long as they don't put disks into it from their friends which may be infected.

as for your question virtually every anti-virus program looks for viruses with the use of a list, the updates are for when another virus appears on the scene and there are usually between 500 and a 1000 new viruses every month, all modern anti-virus programs also use another form of detection called heuristics which looks for virus like activity but by the time they detect a virus by this means it's usually too late but at least they let you know you have one
Reply:Hi, Yes, you always need and antivirus, because kids alwys got cd, flesh drives and so on from school, friends or anywhere else

Norton antiviurs has an option for download the virus definitions and install them manually if you don't have internet access

i guess mcafee also had those features

Reply:If you are not connected to the Internet there is no need for antivirus software. You can put any anti-virus software you want on there, then you would have to download updates from another computer to install on theirs.
Reply:you don't need anti virus software if the computer doesn't go on the internet or get e-mail. There is no way for your computer to get a virus unless it communicates with other computers (and just being in the same room doesn't count - they aren't airborne!)
Reply:If there is no Internet connection, the pc should be fine.

Only way it can get viruses is if they put something like a memory stick or a cd in the pc that is infected.
Reply:If your computer isn't connected to the internet, then you shouldn't worry about viruses since viruses get to your computer through the internet.
Reply:If the computer wont be connected to the internet, there is no need for a virus protection.
Reply:You don't need anti-virus software unless you are connected tot the internet buddy...
Reply:Why would you need anti-virus software on a computer not hooked to the Internet?
Reply:Why would you need a virus protection if you dont have internet?

flash cards

Do you know anywhere that I could get a computer software that can take the vocals off a C.D.?

And/or what the software is called? I need a cd that takes the vocals off a music cd. If you only know the name of the software, that's fine. THX!!!!!

Do you know anywhere that I could get a computer software that can take the vocals off a C.D.?
Try AnalogX Vocal Remover, it works on the same principles that the hardware removers do - that in most instances vocals are equally mixed in both channels, and can identified and therefore removed by simply changing the phase on one channel by 180 degrees. While this won't remove vocals in all instances, it does work in many cases, and can sometimes be used to remove bass or breakbeat sections as well, which I find to be GREAT for sampling! Depending on the effects used on the vocals, sometimes the reverb or ambience of the vocals is left. In order to use the DirectX Vocal Remover, your application must support DirectX Audio Plugins, and must also support either realtime or non-realtime processing (such as Paris, Cakewalk, WaveLab, CoolEdit, etc). Vocal Remover REQUIRES a stereo sound streams, and supports either 16bit or 32bit data types.

In order to use the WinAmp Vocal Remover, you must already have WinAmp installed in your system; it REQUIRES a stereo sound stream, and supports only 16bit data types.
Reply:I have a free program called KISS Wav MP3 Editor, that has a feature that reduces or removes (depending on how the song was originally recorded) the vocals. The result is pretty cool, but the song ends up being "mono" (not stereo) and alot of the music or percussion also gets reduced.

The program is very easy to use. After you read the "help me" section, you'll being experimenting quickly.

I *think* I downloaded it from

Go to the website and type in audio editing software, and then you'll find quite an extensive list of free or free-to-try software in that category.

I can't run c or c++,although i have the required software.?

Whenever i click on the icon, black screen appears saying - error 0000, invalid statement, press any key.Then i am returned to desktop. Please help !!

I can't run c or c++,although i have the required software.?
could be a syntax error in your code
Reply:Are you sure you properly installed C/C++? All the libraries and such installed correctly?

flower girl

How ans I give Windowes environment to my software which is written in C language?Only DOS look i get?

For giving windows look.

How ans I give Windowes environment to my software which is written in C language?Only DOS look i get?
The C language does not support a GUI directly, you have to use a library. There are various libraries out there such as MFC, Trolltech, GTK+.
Reply:go to Microsoft windows.www.microsof/

on top of page search language. than choose what you want and click install....good luck

In c programing how emulator floating point software work for floating point number?

A floating point emulator is a function that computes the floating point result by using integer multiplies, divides and additions to compute the floating point result.

If you download a copy of a software program on your p.c?

will microsoft no longer send you updates

If you download a copy of a software program on your p.c?
a copy will not be recognized as genuine microsoft product and you won't be able to get updates automatically or manually,or any other microsoft peripherials such as media player or codecs(audio %26amp; video)
Reply:Uhhhh no, downloading pirated software will not result in you not getting microsoft updates (unless microsoft now spies on your computer in the new Vista OS...)
Reply:Depends what software you download! Are we talking Windows here? Otherwise, legal downloads of other software have no bearing on your Windows updates.
Reply:I am not sure what you mean.

As long as you have a authentic copy of Windows XP or Vista, Microsoft will continue to supply updates and fixes for any authentic Microsoft programs you have on your PC.

Downloading any program from the Internet should not make any difference to your Windows Updates. validates your software to make sure it's authentic microsoft certificate not a bootleg copy. Also you can update it manually if you desire use the end user updates meaning you have to do the work rather then the auto update. which microsoft supply with the program.

How did i want to get this software ?E174089 (UL) CM 75*C 28AWG/2C+28AWG/2C SHIELDED USB V2.0 LONGWELL-P?

That sounds like a USB cable to me. If so, you should be able to get it at your local computer store or online at someplace like But that's not software.

curse of the golden flower

How to install Yahoo Messenger software unto "D" drive, D/programs instead of C. My C partition full.

My C partition is full . Yahoo's desktop install program won't allow me to change C:/programs to D/ Programs. .

How to install Yahoo Messenger software unto "D" drive, D/programs instead of C. My C partition full.
D is for the Recovery Partition of your Hard Drive, and it cannot be modified or even LOOKED at, it's impossible. Try to uninstall some of your programs on your C drive.
Reply:you simply when asked where to install click on browse and designate the D/Programs as the directory
Reply:you have to ununstall the program and then reinstall the program and then when it ask you where to install change from C drive to D drive
Reply:temporarliy take something off of c. Download messenger to c, then switch messenger over to d, and put the thing you took off of c, over to c. Does that make sense?

Which of the following in not a software a software? a- adobe , b-browser, c-compiler, d-device driver?

Kunal is right.Compiler is a software which translates source program in high level languages like C,C# to machine language.Browser is the software we use to browse internet like IE,Mozilla etc.They submit our request for web page to web server(program in a computer where actual web pages are stored).Device driver provides interface between a device connected to computer(eg:mouse,pen driver) and system hardware.

Which of the following in not a software a software? a- adobe , b-browser, c-compiler, d-device driver?
adobe is not software

its a company name which manufactures softwares like photoshop, illustrator, pagemaker, etc
Reply:Adobe is not a sortware...its a company which acts as an engine to all applns...
Reply:adobe...............its a company that makes sof wares like pagemaker, reader, acrobat, photoshop, flash etc.

Where can i find a software to make flowchart of c++. i need full version for free?

send me some link.or reg key of code visual to flowchart version four or5

Where can i find a software to make flowchart of c++. i need full version for free?
Reply:Trading keys is expressly against the community guidelines. Don't ask for one again. Report It

Reply:C++ is an Object Oriented (OO) language. Flowcharting is more for procedural languages. While OO languages do have procedual methods (the OO name for a function or subroutine), these methods should be kept small and thus don't need to be flowcharted. The most common graphical technique used for designing %26amp; analyzing an OO program is UML.

Note that the exact flow that an OO program follows (what a flowchart tries to describe) is often so complex that it would be easier to predict the weather. That is often one of the biggest powers and challenges of OO programming.

The main OO program I work on has thousands of objects each with many methods. If you add the foundation classes it is built on I would not be surprised if it has over a million entries in the link map. I doubt we would ever have been able to reach this level of complexity with a procedural language.

What exactly do u need(software like notepad?) when doing "c" programming?? can u do it on windows xp?

Yes you can do C programming on Windows XP.

The only tools you need is a C compiler (you cand find a good/opensource one here

And a editor (i.e notepad)

For more advanced programming or huge project development, you'll probably need source control programs (cvs/svn), a more advanced editor or a IDE, and a make program..

Also you could use Visual Studio C++ for overall usage (minus source control)

What exactly do u need(software like notepad?) when doing "c" programming?? can u do it on windows xp?
You can also download a C compiler in Cygwin (, but you'll be limited to command line programs.

If you want to learn GUI programming, try Java or buy a student version of Microsoft Visual C++ or C#

I like vim as an editor, but that is not for newbies. You can try notepad or emacs.
Reply:just notepad
Reply:you can in-put more then tex in a notpad

you can import /music/movie

in to 1 notepad or word document if you know how
Reply:You can normally use any text editor. But, you do need the compiler programs to do anything with it. If you have compiler programs for XP, then normally you can do it there.

I like Kate, which comes with all main linux distros, because it gives you color feedback on your programming logic.


How can I get my photos in C drive after formating the OS??Any free software is available on net?

I was able to save my data on D drive but lost important photos in C drive is there anyway i can get my photos back.

had to reinstall and format OS because of virus infection.Please any help and advise is welcome

How can I get my photos in C drive after formating the OS??Any free software is available on net?
After formatting I'd be very surprised if you will ever get your photos back.

As per the advice... learn to NEVER keep anything important where your OS is, even if windows is set up to keep "my pictures" "my documents" together with the OS, just don't use them and save your stuff on the D drive.
Reply:I'm sorry to say, but they are gone.

I know there are ways to retrieve files that have been deleted and emptied from recycle bin, or files that had been deleted in DOS, but once you format, it's gone.

There are a lot of free anti-virus software you can find online for free, I think one called Avast is free, and fairly decent, you should try downloading it to prevent a situation like this in the future.
Reply:After formatting? Hmmmmm, you can try Recuva.
Reply:There are utilites available to recover files from formatted drive. Active@ Uneraser, stellar, getdataback..... But i don't know a free one. U can try on google.
Reply:Have you hear about the Easeus Dara Recovery, It’s a famous Data Recovery tool. I’m sure you can recover your lost data. Please believe me! You can get more information on the website

Luck with you!

I need (3D modeler)software witch generates OpenGL code(.c file) from some 3d model. Any ideas?

Maxon Cinema 4D is pretty much the best (affordable) 3D modeller around. You can output as open GL code.

:o) j2g

P.S. you may be able to download a naughty version. hint (torrent site)

I need (3D modeler)software witch generates OpenGL code(.c file) from some 3d model. Any ideas?

I would personally recommend using MilkShape for your modelling, as it imports/exports a wide variety of formats and is pretty cheap and easy to use, plus you should be able to knock together your own plugin to save in another format if you wish.

A good site with OpenGL code and tutorials, including loading objects, is

Tutorial 31 in particular on that site covers loading and displaying objects in MilkShape format.

I need (3D modeler)software witch generates OpenGL code(.c file) from some 3d model. Any ideas?
Nothing will do that for you, nothing can generate the code to render a model. By itself, it's useless anyway. I'm sure there's lots of tutorials showing how to render models with OpenGL, why not consult those?
Reply:*this maybe what you want

Can somebody tell me free downloading software site " windows version for C/C++"?

Can somebody tell me free downloading software site " windows version for C/C++"?
Reply:Why only Borland?

I will surely suggest you the 'Bloodshed's Dev C/C++ compiler'

song words

I forgot the password of my email a/c that is remembered by my computer. any software to see the asterisks?

years ago, i used a software which allowd me to highlight the asterisk in the password box, and then click to see the password. But i forgot the name of the software! Now i have a new computer but i forgot the password stored in my old computer! Pls help.

I forgot the password of my email a/c that is remembered by my computer. any software to see the asterisks?
AsterWin IE v1.03

Copyright © 2002 - 2004 Nir Sofer

Web Site:


When you login into a web site with user name and password, you sometimes have the option to store the password in your computer. If you choose to save the password, in the next time that we'll visit this site, the password field will be automatically filled with your password, but you won't be able to view it, because the password-box shows the password as sequence of asterisks (****).

This utility reveals the passwords stored behind the asterisks in the web pages of Internet Explorer 5.0 and above. You can use it for recovering a lost web site password, if it's stored on your computer.
Reply:There are programs for doing that (I've run across them in the past).

The following link will take you to the SnapFiles page with free password recovery programs - you may even find the same one as you had!

Just go to:

Hope that helps - good luck!
Reply:nice try stalker ... did you steal someone's computer?
Reply:goto and there are programs that are freeware that will allow you to see what information is under the astericks
Reply:that would defeat the whole purpose of blanking out the password

What is the best software to keep your p.c safe!!?

ZONEALARM Internet Security Suite


- ZoneAlarm's famous Firewall software

- Anti Virus

- Anti Spyware

- Instant Messenger protection

- Parental controls

- Privacy tools, including a Cache cleaner

... and more.

What is the best software to keep your p.c safe!!?
If you don't want to mess around with multiple applications, try Windows Live One Care (has a long free trial) and you have a firewall, anti-virus, anti spy-ware and scheduled defragging! It also tunes up your system.

I am using it and have had a TOTALLY clean computer since install. Good luck!
Reply:bit defender antivirus plus v10---has firewall, anti virus, anti spyware, anti rootkit, spam blocker.

Help me , you software experts! My dear P.C. is attacked by ADWARE.FUN .How can I help it get rid of IT?

To remove spyware/adware/Trojans/Worms I recommend XoftSpy Se.

XoftSpy Se Features:

Remove Spyware, Adware

Stop Pop-ups

Kill Trojans, Worms, Viruses

Clean Registry %26amp; Program Errors

Remove harmful registry keys and files

Speed-Up your computer

Destroy harmful hijackers

Helps prevent identity theft

Clean %26amp; Optimize your PC

It can be found on this page:

Download, install and update.

Run full system scan,it is able to find the problems and remove them.

Finally,Make sure you have 1 or 2 antispyware on your computer and 1 antivirus and also 1 firewall.


Help me , you software experts! My dear P.C. is attacked by ADWARE.FUN .How can I help it get rid of IT?
You may want to use this

It only takes like an hour and 1/2 to scan your whole computer and its free. TRUST ME, I use to have alot of pop-ups when I use to surf the internet and after scanning no pop-ups at all!

Let me know how it goes.
Reply:use ad aware se, avg free, spybot s%26amp;d etc, they are all free
Reply:adaware isnt as dangerous

Heres some Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Firewall

Spyware protection and removal

Ad-Aware SE Personal: (I use this. I say its great and easy to use)

SuperAntiSpyware: (Very helpful on finding other problems)

Spybot: (Very helpful on finding problems

AVG Free Anti-Spyware: /lng/us/tpl/v5 (never tried it)

Windows Defender: (Its ok...)

For Free Virus Protector, use:

AVG Free Anti-Virus: (I use this, its detected lots of trojen. Also doesn't consume memory)

Avast (your choice): (not recommended for computers with less memory)

For Free Firewalls, use:


Also use Windows Firewall if you don't want continous warnings.

(Anyone wanna add to the links you can tell me)
Reply:You may want to avoid free adware is just go with some top Spyware cleaners. You are only looking to frustrate yourself more adding a ton of useless freeware on your computer. Check out this link
Reply:download this free software, it will kill it off. its called spybot.
Reply:Ad-Aware SE is a free downloadable program that I use. It is put out by Lavasoft. Google those two and you'll find it.

Good luck killing the bugger.
Reply:If you do not have firefox get it now and use it instead of internet explorer so you dont get any more spyware http://securitynewsfromthenet.blogspot.c...

To remove the spyware/trojan/virus run steps 1-2-3

1) If you have not already scanned your comp with spybot http://securitynewsfromthenet.blogspot.c... do that now .Update it (Latest updates 04-04-2007) and then run it so it gets rid of all the spyware and trojans in safe mode

1b) Run AVG Anti-Spyware Free



SUPERAntiSpyware Home Edition (free version)


2) Do an online virus scan to check and remove virus and spyware if you still have viruses on your computer. And let us know if the online virus scan still finds any virus or spyware .


3) Get another anti virus program if your present anti virus program is not protecting you any longer


Protection once your computer is spyware free

Reply:most virus are spread through IE. IE is not a safe browser. you should use a more secure browser to protect your PC from virus.

i recommand you to use firefox with Google toolbar. firefox can block any any popup and disable any virus and adware, spyware on webpage, so, firefox is much safer than IE browser. as you know, most of virus spread throught internet and webpage.

besides, firefox is much smaller than IE, so it run faster than IE.

download firefox for free, Just have a try:

Good Luck, Best Wishes!!!
Reply:For all computer related problems please check out

It not only gives complete solutions but also offers

free downloads of effective softwares which can detect

and eliminate all spy ware /virus /ad ware /Trojans completely.

What type of software can I write using C language?

You can code any software as long the hardware which will run it support it

What type of software can I write using C language?
Think creatively... you can do just about anything you want.
Reply:Any kind.
Reply:In theory it is possible to write any kind of program in C. Whether you can personally write them is another question entirely.

song titles

Is any free software available for correcting corrupted c.ds.?

Already-written cds are read-only. Therefore there is no software you can install to make changes to the disc.

It is possible that there is damage (scratches or dust or streaks) on the disc. There are cleaning kits out there that claim to be able to repair discs. If that fails, you're likely going to need a new copy of the cd.

Good luck!

Is any free software available for correcting corrupted c.ds.?

i hope ye are well

you could try

-------------------------Kindest Regards---------------------------------...

-------------------------Grace be with you---------------------------------



What software program do I need to program in C#?

For instance, I use Eclipse to write, check, test, and run Java programs. I want the program to have similar functionality where it tells me if i make a coding error, and is really good at writing code like Eclipse.

p.s. No, I cannot use Eclipse to write C#. I attempted to install Eclipse for C and it screwed up my Java Eclipse! (that took a very long time to fix!) No, suggest something other than eclipse please.

What software program do I need to program in C#?
Visual Studio's C++ programming software
Reply:Microsoft Visual Studio Express:

Missing some enterprise type features, but hey - it's free
Reply:C# is a Microsoft language, so you'd have to use Visual Studio, there is an express version of Visual Studio you can use which is free. Otherwise you could download the .Net Framework and use notepad if you wanted to write it and then complie it using the Framework, but having Visual Studio would make it easier.

How to install i can't install this software my computer haven't asp,j#,c# give the brief details.

u give brief details about system have java,c,c++,vb

How to install i can't install this software my computer haven't asp,j#,c# give the brief details.
For running ASP.NET all that u need is IIS and .NET Framework.

Also, note down the OS should be at least Win 2k with IIS or more recent.
Reply:If you want to develop for ASP.Net you can get a tool called webmatrix. I believe this is free (I did my first ASP.Net web services using this tool !)

Bear in mind though that you do have to have .Net framework installed and the IIS service running as the other answerers of your question have correctly stated.

webmatrix can be found here: although they now recommend Visual Web Developer instead!
Reply:Follow these steps

1. Install IIS(internet information server).

To install it. Go to control panel and click Add remove program and then click on "Add remove windows component". New dialog box will be opened and check Internet Information server from there and click next and finish the installation. You may need Windows CD to complete this step.

2. Download dot net framework from microsoft website if you dont have it and install it..latest available version is 2.0 from Microsoft. and name of the file will be dotnetfx.exe (it is also included in Visual studio CDs)

3. To check the installation Open browers and type http://localhost there if some website is opened ..All ok..otherwise repeat the process.

Have fun!

Download framework from the link
Reply:Hi Devi D,

All you need is latest version of Windows which includes IIS server. and Ms.NET software Cd's.

Typical installation Example.

1) Install windows xp professional with IIS server. ( If you choose custom installation of windows, you have option to choose IIS server).

2) Now when you are ready with IIS server. Get the dot NET Cd's and start installation. IT will automatically take care of Asp.NET also. ( you also have option to go for custom installation and opt for Asp.Net features).

Hope this information would be sufficient.